Québec's own "STRICT" laws relatively to Trudeau's mari-caca

wow, thanks for bringing us up to speed on the Quebec situation! I am only a few hours away, it’s like a 2nd home.

I’m starting to realize that places that do not have a ballot initiative process (referendum) are going to be stuck with awful “legalization” laws for a long time. New York, New Jersey, etc. Does Quebec or Canada have any way to put a referendum on the ballot?

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Hi there MuleSkinner!

Thank your for a chance to express mutual support! :+1:

It’s an immense world compared to the already vast St-Laurent valley, without internet webbing we’d be isolated against predatory politicians & friends. Personally i can only imagine living in the early '50s as a young legally-emancipated adult, facing the present wave of public-funded propaganda!!

With high-profile “elite” politicians fueling on alcohol!..


If only it had been an option to dare pronounce the taboo world relatively to cannabis in my province:



It won’t happen in my lifetime, just a few months ago i yet had to hear clear hints from each political party but now it’s like they’re all the same with variations of intensity. The most hostile are from François Legault’s CAQ, then i need to decide which of the Parti Québécois or Parti Libéral are the most hypocrytes… As for Québec Solidaire they’re still not a threat to those older political parties, but judging from their accent being put on diversity so far i’d only wish i were 20 years younger!

As far as i’m concerned the main issue is with a provincial ban of home cultivation. It can be cleared in justice courts claiming that this is unreasonable restriction of access to CBD plants for which there’s just no possible justification to ban that as well. Hence the ban should only target THC plants alone and since enforcement would involve advanced lab testing of a plants genetics, i presume, then the province should loose their cause on constitutional grounds, even if cannabis ain’t approved as “medicine” so far.

Now if we put on the table a right to access cannabis which actually classifies between the 2 main THC vs CBD extremes then the conclusion should be that it is THC-centric plants the politicians should have banned if they’re anything close to being genuine & serious about “saving” the lost statistically-ellusive children of planet Itnoc…

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


i think one reason everywhere is pushing for online distribution is to keep canada post relevant, one can safely assume they will be demanding their share of the profits for operational costs!

Salutations LegalCanada,

That’s certainly a most “sexy” idea to have for a Canuck politician as those installed at the moment! Even Elizabeth dis(May) intends to support the “Cannabis Act” thinking it’s a step in the right direction, as i recall! So i got to wonder what she would say of the Canada Post monopoly!..

To them it’s a politically-safe win-win scenario, saving the taxes + the jobs too! Not to mention in Québec i don’t see how identities could remain private/secret while “légaleezation” finally translates as: #1) mail delivery; #2) nothing but abstaining; #3) “organized crime”… Which means 1 strike gets 3 goals met now:

[ http://ici.radio-canada.ca/emissions/tout_le_monde_en_parle/saison10/document.asp?idDoc=329431 ]
SRC: Tout le monde en parle (2014-Feb-23)

Lepage --> “Donc vous voulez nationaliser?
Trudeau --> “Non, on veut réguler et contrôler pour que les gens doivent montrer les cartes d’identité…

Translation: Do you want it nationalized (Canada-wide)? The answer being NO, we want to regulate and control it so the consumers need to show their identification cards!

In addition, during this same historical “marijuana” discussion (on French-speaking national TV @ premium hours) our future PM promptly argued it’s NOT a « dietary supplement » (which i consider as blatant propaganda the animator Guy A. Lepage conveniently failed to question somehow)!..

Justin repeating his bipolar mother credo, that mari-caca hurts teenager brains…

Notice my freezed-frame above vs CBC’s below…

CBC - Margaret Trudeau back in headlines (2015-Oct-30)

« I… We know from science that just smoke pot before 18 it’s very dangerous to your brain. »

…though it ain’t any more harmful than alcohol/tobacco, Justin said… Commenting that society needs to be made safer for children while still showing respect for an adult’s preference even if that’s making a bad choice, etc., etc.

In all honestly i must conclude Justin should have married Lucie instead of Sophie!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Quebec = not very original, narrow minded overpaid conservative bureaucrats that ruin our economy because they take too much for themselves and invent too many laws and regulations to tax us every way possible. Everything for them and nothing for us.

Les gros lp sont pret depuis l’annee passer je suis sur qu’ils sont en mode surproduction et entrepose du caca weed pour se preparer a voler la clientele du marcher noire qui est fourni en partie des mom and pops homegrown. Leur but est probablement d’essayer de voler la majoriter du marcher et de faire mourrir les petits qui vivent de sa, ses un marcher qui rapporte beaucoup et tru tru et ses liberaux want it to themselves.

Le caca weed est moin impressionnant que se qui est produits par les artisans qui suivent les regles d’or, du no name choix du president ou de la fine cuisine/home cooked meal ? Mesemble le choix est simple!

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Salutations BlackMarketMeds,

It would be accurate enough to argue that this important reform failed to include those who are at the center of it, only to serve the multiple interests of others while pretending that’s based on superior ethics & moral.

The power of bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists comes from UN treaties requiring an “harmonization” of Canada’s sovereign laws, their propaganda gets distributed by a mass-media press that’s just satisfied being able to ride on a same wave for decades while “science” gatherings as the recent symposium on “ADDICTION” (held just last month) continue to be stuffed with “holier-than-you” socio-toxic crusaders - which reminds me that SRC re-broadcasted this remnant of the Harper era a week ago at Découverte, narated by Charles Tisseyre (…):

SRC: Quels sont les effets du cannabis sur le cerveau des adolescents? (2014-Nov-10)

Consequently we had the privilege to see this activist face again:

( Dr. Didier Jutras-Aswad, psychiatrist at Montreal university​ )

Author of a study on 120 studies, paid by Pfizer:

[ http://www.chumontreal.qc.ca/le-dr-didier-jutras-aswad-gagnant-du-programme-d-excellence-en-recherche-en-psychiatrie ]

CHUM: Le Dr Didier Jutras-Aswad gagnant du Programme d’excellence en recherche en psychiatrie (2014-Mai-9)

« Le Dr Didier Jutras-Aswad, psychiatre à l’unité des toxicomanies du CHUM et chercheur au CRCHUM, a reçu une subvention de près de 100 000 $ à titre de gagnant du Programme d’excellence en recherche en psychiatrie de Pfizer 2013. »​

And now the guy keep busy directing the cannabidiol for opioïd treatment program financially supported in part by a CBD manufacturer called Insys Therapeutics (also marketing the substance known as “Subsys”, a fentanyl sublingual spray…):

[ http://www.nasdaq.com/article/insys-therapeutics-starts-enrollment-in-cannabidiol-trial-cm668017 ]

« The phase II study is being conducted by Dr. Didier Jutras-Aswad, MD, at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM), and is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) as well as Insys. »

Last October 19th this individual actively participated as moderator (…) to the Montréal “science” event i’ve previously mentioned above. After all who could imagine a more suitable candidacy to defend cannabis consumers!

[ http://assistedrecovery.online/role-for-cannabis-in-treatment-for-opioid-addiction/ ]

« It’s not reinforcing of drug-seeking behaviors, and it’s not a source of abuse, which is often the case with a lot of antianxiety medications. So for a population already with addiction, it’s a very attractive candidate. »

In other words cannabis is still “addictive” but it’s also safer, as long as we can keep fentanyl and its derivatives away, that is…


M’well, now i think i begin to understand why his tense facial expression when facing cameras in hotel Marriott during the 1st edition of Montréal’s “science” fair on the problem of “stoner$”/“droÿés”!..

With Kevin Sabet and Nora Volkow also present in 2016: a perfect setup to get right into the halloween mood…


And yet it’s obvious they don’t/can’t do it alone… Anyway these predators like to share the fun and excitement with friends from all over the globe.

Oui et j’ajouterais qu’une partie probablement disproportionnée du demi-milliard de dollars annoncé par Ottawa va justement servir à fournir des exemples de “criminels” endurcis (…), aidés de caméras infra-rouges embarquées à bord d’hélicoptères, complémentées par une flotille de drônes et bien sûr des relevés de compteurs électriques intelligents même capables de détecter les fuites hors-réseau.

Quite frankly i’m not optimistic for those who will tolerate being coerced to get their caca-weed (thanks for the nice suggestion!) from some remote-location LPs that emerged from a market dominated by greed, a legacy of the Harper regime…

…now about to get fine-tuned by cap’tain Itnoc!

[ Source: Justin Trudeau on Set | Peter Bregg Photography ]

Franchement je crains qu’en fait la ruée vers l’or vert ne soit que la pointe non-immergée de l’icebirg.

The myclobutanyl scandals inspire me a darker scenario where the whole “légaleezation” strategy of Trudeau is meant to fracture our community with the complicity of installed non-elected “expert$”/“spe¢iali$ts”, as Hilary Geller who organized the UNGASS 2016 event under Harper exactly… IMO this ain’t nothing else than Cultural Genocide based on self-vilification meant to infect the weakest spots in a target group by turning them into socio-toxic automatons themselves, made “criminals” eventually.

The vote intentions are already divided and hence these politicians are still going to have a job after the next elections, while the people’s voice may be better heard through the Bloc Québécois - if it ever regains any visibility in Ottawa’s parliament!..


À moins que les Producteurs Licenciés ne fassent volte-face à 180 degrés il me semble également que le choix s’imposera de lui-même. Comme ce sont des bandits à cravate protégés par un système de lâches sans colonne vertébrale politique qui auront le dessus disons tout bonnement que mes espoirs d’un accès universel à des spécialités génétiques soigneusement sélectionnées en fonction des besoins des premiers intéressés sont partis en fumée depuis belle lurette, à l’ombre de nuages orageux!

Sur ce bonne journée, au plaisir!! :peace:

Ouais c’est dégueulasse.

Faq ça va être les gros syndicats qui vont nous vendre de la bud anglo a travers leur SQC… toujours les même dynamique au Quebec, ca serait le fun de passer a autre chose.

Ce qu’y est vraiment absurde la dans, c’est que le Quebec on est déjà un géant de la production. va falloir qu’ils en arrête en esti du monde pour que ça marche leur affaire.


so true, it sounds just like Massachusetts, the government likes to pretend there is no weed here when in fact Mass. is a HUGE weed state. Same with Maine.

I met a couple snowboarders in Vermont that were paying the bills by selling herb to college students at Johnson State University…they were part of a larger organization. They told me the herb was coming from Quebec in 18-wheeler truckloads, they had a couple of border guards on the team and they would send the trucks through on the days these guys were working the customs booths.

government seem to be like little kids that retreat to the fantasyland of make-believe when it comes to cannabis. In Montreal it’s extremely easy to find someone selling the herb, it’s everywhere, some of the head shops have even offered it to me and sold me a bag for much cheaper than here in the US.

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Salutations BongLeMagne,
Salutations MuleSkinner,

Thank you for the graphic, it’s an opportunity to point out there’s beensome ~60 % inflation between the day it was published and what Lucie Charlebois suggested recently! Any credit card company making this much profit on such short notice would be closed down then prosecuted, i suppose; too bad our politicians agree on 1 strategy:

« Divide to Conquer! »

I find the government is doing all it can to direct pressure against consumers while avoiding any bit of frustration for those it likes to call “organized crime”, or maybe some career politicians are afraid enough they’ll do anything not to conclude their careers wearing a bullet-proof vest anyway! Go figure, i thought it was government that ran “organized crime” on their lunch hours!..

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

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Corporate takeover of OUR industry nearing completion.


I personally doubt that picture is accurate at all. Prices have also gone up in recent years in Montreal. At least for wholesale. I don’t know about MTL ever having cheaper weed than BC unless you’re talking m39 or friesland. I used to make a lot of trips back and forth from Montreal in the mid 2000s (05-10) and those were great times. I am very close by in Ontario so it was always a short trip for good cheap weed. It hasn’t been the same in recent years though. Mostly everyone here is shipping weed across the country from BC, where it is currently significantly cheaper than everywhere else in the country, even Quebec. I also have a hard time believing you can get anything for 16/g anywhere in Nunavut, from what I know it gets very expensive up there. 30-60 a gram. The supply up there is almost non existent compared to everywhere else.

I like most other people in Canada, who aren’t naive at least, am extremely unhappy with how corrupt this legalization is going to be. Most people who don’t know any better are just bending over with a smile. It makes me sick that people who formerly busted in doors and ruined lives over weed are now trying to set themselves up to profit from the same thing. Bunch of snakes. I will never support any of these places. It’s pretty bad when you’re wishing weed was never legalized lol.


Salutations Scissor-Hanz,
Salutations Neogitus,

That’s why i consider this is a Cultural Genocide.

Some of your words supplemented my voice as i turned speechless. An avalanche of non-sensical declarations flooded our mass-media press all the sudden and this is devastating, each new “legaleezed” abuse feels like a poisonous sting that makes me sick: for example, one article explained the landlords would be permitted to expulse cannabis smokers retroactively, even if their renting contract didn’t included a related clause!

Yesterday i thought maybe Québec Solidaire would be a last resort when it’s time for electoral options, but no:

Le Devoir: Loi Québécoise sur la marijuana - Une approche mesurée (2017-Nov-18)

« Le projet de loi […] comble — une fois n’est pas coutume — à peu près toutes les attentes de Québec solidaire… »

This was Amir Khadir speaking, which means i must abandon all hopes for fairness in both parliaments: i’ll probably die as a criminal just for what i am!! Honestly i can’t even find the energy to hate them all, it’s like i were a jew in Hittler’s Germany i think. These self-serving individuals are responsible for so much misery pretending their moral standards are worthy of my vote, while that’s being divided into oblivion anyway.

Google doesn’t seem to know what happened since 2 days ago that might prove pertinent, but when i find suitable content it’s just more despair that’s hard to put in words, like i were abducted, violated… Denied an existence while alcohol abuse continues to be amusing here and there. Clearly enough our many causes are now required to be refered in a cour of justice, cause-by-cause. That’s going to take more time than i can give, if at least there had been some real “science” in those discussions! Even non-psychoactive CBD plants won’t follow the Switzerland model where it sells as a tobacco substitute since last year…

IMO the reality distortions are such there will be more blood spilled in Québec, because of extreme artificial tensions as if that were the goal all along, i must conclude: e.g. WE are the harvest!..

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


It’s not just Canada! did you see this article? California’s “legalization” sounds similar. I think the legal market will be an epic fail and a new legalization 2.0 law will be needed, with much lower taxes.

California weed is already flooding the US, I’ve met people selling herb from California in Vermont, Massachusetts, and south Florida, all 3000 miles away. No one in CA or Canada is going to buy weed in a store for $400 an ounce when a delivery service sells it for $250 or less.

Remember your duty to fight oppressive Prohibition on home gardening…overgrow! :sunglasses:


delivery services sell it for $99 an ounce from BC already. well, the postman will bring it to you. and the weed is actually quite good for the price. shatter $29 a G the first saturday of the month.


grape god (grapefruit x godbud)

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I’ve forwarded that link to a bunch of people, it’s great! Budgetbuds will make Trudeau’s legalization seem absurd. I see the fully organic ones are $250/ounce…I love the URL…“BC product” they’re not selling lumber :smile:



i think i’ve ordered from them. or maybe it was bcbudexpress. also ordered from a toronto one that was pretty good. got decent critical kush for $4 a gram. i think these LPs are greatly overestimating their future rec sales and profits and hope their stocks take a huge hit next year. too bad most of the crooks already made millions on their stocks.


I’m already noticing my prices start to go down. It’s laughable they expect people to pay 10 dollars for a gram of weed when the inflated price was caused by the risk of going to jail for growing or selling it. People also aren’t used to paying tax for it either so its just gonna be a big hit to the wallet. I really hope the LPs fail but I fear there are enough people that are happy enough to smoke their couple grams a month and be perfectly content. Its just ridiculous the ones that fought for years and even decades for legalization are getting shafted while the ones who were against it are lining their pockets. While this had the potential to feed a lot of people, it will only feed a few greedy mouths.

The one thing we have going is that the LPs, with their millions of dollars and fancy scientists they still haven’t figured out how to grow good weed. The black market will probably never go away. I won’t be supporting whatever bullshit they come up with. If that’s going to make me a criminal so be it, this whole setup is criminal.


I don’t order off these but I know people that have in the past. Prices are whatever but that’s pretty much what’s going on right now. Dozens of websites popping up buying up wholesale bc bud for super cheap and then making a killing off it. I’d still rather buy off one of these if I had to though


the cost of production is less than a dollar a gram if you’re efficient. they should be selling it for $5 max. some LPs are charging $20 a gram. it’s fucking ridiculous. such is capitalism.


Well, a bit more if you’re hand trimming and paying municipal electricity-rate(where I live). But I totally agree with you.

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Salutations everyone,

Honestly, no: i’m in pain mentally and physically from the long hours chasing ghosts, only to give up trying to sort it all in vain in a house of mirrors where everything seems to change shape as it moves… What’s just very clear though is that institutionalized abuse never got this worse, it doesn’t matter if smokers were allowed when i signed the renting papers anymore, a new special class of of citizens is being created. This will remain on the menu as long as cannabis stays on the United Nations socio-toxic treaties & schedules, for starters.

At 45 % taxation it’s only calling for more “légaleezation” challenges in justice courts IMO! Actually i think a bit too much of Trudeau’s “science” came from whatever similar severe distortions USA had to offer via bigot prohibitionists as Kevin Sabet and Nora Volkow who were seen in Mtl/Qc last year, inspiring our own local crusaders i’m sure.

My time is over but the worse part of it is the fact that there’s propaganda on every channel of TV, not to mention papers. Everywhere people unite in hate against a new sub-class ranking below the already abused tobacco smoker… I liked the idea of Dana Larsen in Vancouver though, to make it grow anywhere possible but our own properties, because now there’s going to be civil asset forfeiture - it’s only a matter of time before the 1st mediatic events put us in front of a done deal. Pro-cannabic lawyers avoided to analyse the 10 CDSA modifications of JT, who am i to contemplate such a mammoth task!?! With more unfairness at every step…

I’ve done my part trying to address the consumption method anyway, proving to myself the “harm” for cannabis ain’t in the substances of natural plants themselves. It seems my intuition didn’t fail me, that pipe won’t be legit for decades, centuries i fear. Maybe i should engrave it with the 4 letters “Egzo” in hope it survives until found in some archeological site a thousand years from now. Hummm… What a comforting thought…

All they want i - US -, they want my name, address and a signature. Since when do people need to do this in order to get a drink? Imagine walking into a bar and being asked for credentials before the barman sucks our wallets dry, out of over-taxation!.. This is unfair and awaits legal challenges i can’t afford to witness myself. If i had been 30 years younger i could have moved to Vancouver to say hello to the young Emery couple i guess, now where are the keys of my time-machine!!

What i want i not just my “buzz”, i was hoping at last all persons as myself would finally stand fair comparison with others addicted to tobacco, alcohol, euh… oh, and MONEY, obviously the worse of all enslaving dependencies imaginable! Instead i learn contracts signed in good faith are without value the instant some guy invades my privacy searching for mari-caca clues to confiscate my basic rights on a single tip from hostile neighbours and whatnot.

Thank you LegalCanada for the picture but i’ve learned that only part of the story, macroscopic images provide complementary hints that helps those who need to wear 2 pairs of glasses…

Actually i used to have a BudMail (budmail.biz) account but don’t ask me about it as i never used it!

Anyway 250 /28 g = 8.92 /g already and that’s crazy even for “bio” kosher since i can’t trust anyone with BANNED pesticides, not even the Canuck LPS and their “medical” supplies to begin with! To me that’s inflated way above any reasonable level. My striking example of canola vs CBD oil says it all: the net benefit is astronomical even after every worker along the chain was paid (canola = 2.16 /l vs CBD = 129+ /60 ml, last year!)…

The locomotive of bigot anti-cannabic prohibition is about to hit us hard with every form of “legaleezed” abuse their imagination can invent: shortly put, this is WAR and Québec shall be made a prototype again.

That’s my position as well: mafia-height price-tags have been adopted as the norm and there’s no official protest coming from our “civil servants” anywhere… Anyway i have plenty of land at my disposal, we’re talking pennies instead of dollars, but now if i dare benefit from it after paying my taxes it’s the whole property which i’d put at risk, otherwise we’d have been told there won’t be civil asset forfeiture long ago. So i feel i can safely assume it’s there waiting for the 1st court challenges. Either it’s civil disobedience followed by being stripped of our possessions either they tag us like wild dangerous animals able to sign their names.

Divide to Conquer already proven successful when dealing with “medical” patients taken hostages to justify an artificial socio-toxic contraption of some sick minds, hence the scenario you’ve described makes a lot of sense to me. Both politician levels had that in mind even before being elected i think.

Accurate enough as that’s how it feels, like being raped by all of those who casually aligned to make a dime on it.

With great powers come great responsabilities and those politicians can’t pretend they don’t have access to true scientific resources while we can see how the boards get stuffed. Criminal minds indeed, but just look at Jean Charest to realize they were all out of reach before it even began. So they do it because they can. Time to revise our charters of Rights and Constitution? Not before they’ve all died of old age IMO!

Indoors, while i got private access to land if i wish to and i only need to supply myself anyway. No need to hire Mexicans for the trimming, i’d be too glad performing it the artisanal way.

I’ve got no grief against healthy capitalism but this is something very different, that money orgy is NOT doing our society any good on the long run. Meanwhile it’s the people who will pay for the messing up.

There’s not even a motive to support chimeric creature with no focus on cannabinoïd ratios, curing/decarboxylation, a refrigerated chain of conservation (considering the prohibitive costs), etc. Even the humidity level would prevent safe/healthy/rewarding vaporization as far as i’m concerned.

The whole project is made of HATE from A to Z, which is one simple way to view it.

Thank you all for offering an opportunity to purge the excess of anger! I have a birthday to celebrate in a few hours: 80 years! I’m hoping my anxiety won’t show up risking to spoil the event… Crossing my fingers nobody mentions the recent cannabic actualities!

Good day, have fun!! :peace: