Salutations BlackMarketMeds,
It would be accurate enough to argue that this important reform failed to include those who are at the center of it, only to serve the multiple interests of others while pretending that’s based on superior ethics & moral.
The power of bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists comes from UN treaties requiring an “harmonization” of Canada’s sovereign laws, their propaganda gets distributed by a mass-media press that’s just satisfied being able to ride on a same wave for decades while “science” gatherings as the recent symposium on “ADDICTION” (held just last month) continue to be stuffed with “holier-than-you” socio-toxic crusaders - which reminds me that SRC re-broadcasted this remnant of the Harper era a week ago at Découverte, narated by Charles Tisseyre (…):
SRC: Quels sont les effets du cannabis sur le cerveau des adolescents? (2014-Nov-10)
Consequently we had the privilege to see this activist face again:
( Dr. Didier Jutras-Aswad, psychiatrist at Montreal university )
Author of a study on 120 studies, paid by Pfizer:
CHUM: Le Dr Didier Jutras-Aswad gagnant du Programme d’excellence en recherche en psychiatrie (2014-Mai-9)
« Le Dr Didier Jutras-Aswad, psychiatre à l’unité des toxicomanies du CHUM et chercheur au CRCHUM, a reçu une subvention de près de 100 000 $ à titre de gagnant du Programme d’excellence en recherche en psychiatrie de Pfizer 2013. »
And now the guy keep busy directing the cannabidiol for opioïd treatment program financially supported in part by a CBD manufacturer called Insys Therapeutics (also marketing the substance known as “Subsys”, a fentanyl sublingual spray…):
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« The phase II study is being conducted by Dr. Didier Jutras-Aswad, MD, at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM), and is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) as well as Insys. »
Last October 19th this individual actively participated as moderator (…) to the Montréal “science” event i’ve previously mentioned above. After all who could imagine a more suitable candidacy to defend cannabis consumers!
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« It’s not reinforcing of drug-seeking behaviors, and it’s not a source of abuse, which is often the case with a lot of antianxiety medications. So for a population already with addiction, it’s a very attractive candidate. »
In other words cannabis is still “addictive” but it’s also safer, as long as we can keep fentanyl and its derivatives away, that is…
M’well, now i think i begin to understand why his tense facial expression when facing cameras in hotel Marriott during the 1st edition of Montréal’s “science” fair on the problem of “stoner$”/“droÿés”!..
With Kevin Sabet and Nora Volkow also present in 2016: a perfect setup to get right into the halloween mood…
And yet it’s obvious they don’t/can’t do it alone… Anyway these predators like to share the fun and excitement with friends from all over the globe.
Oui et j’ajouterais qu’une partie probablement disproportionnée du demi-milliard de dollars annoncé par Ottawa va justement servir à fournir des exemples de “criminels” endurcis (…), aidés de caméras infra-rouges embarquées à bord d’hélicoptères, complémentées par une flotille de drônes et bien sûr des relevés de compteurs électriques intelligents même capables de détecter les fuites hors-réseau.
Quite frankly i’m not optimistic for those who will tolerate being coerced to get their caca-weed (thanks for the nice suggestion!) from some remote-location LPs that emerged from a market dominated by greed, a legacy of the Harper regime…
…now about to get fine-tuned by cap’tain Itnoc!
[ Source: ]
Franchement je crains qu’en fait la ruée vers l’or vert ne soit que la pointe non-immergée de l’icebirg.
The myclobutanyl scandals inspire me a darker scenario where the whole “légaleezation” strategy of Trudeau is meant to fracture our community with the complicity of installed non-elected “expert$”/“spe¢iali$ts”, as Hilary Geller who organized the UNGASS 2016 event under Harper exactly… IMO this ain’t nothing else than Cultural Genocide based on self-vilification meant to infect the weakest spots in a target group by turning them into socio-toxic automatons themselves, made “criminals” eventually.
The vote intentions are already divided and hence these politicians are still going to have a job after the next elections, while the people’s voice may be better heard through the Bloc Québécois - if it ever regains any visibility in Ottawa’s parliament!..
À moins que les Producteurs Licenciés ne fassent volte-face à 180 degrés il me semble également que le choix s’imposera de lui-même. Comme ce sont des bandits à cravate protégés par un système de lâches sans colonne vertébrale politique qui auront le dessus disons tout bonnement que mes espoirs d’un accès universel à des spécialités génétiques soigneusement sélectionnées en fonction des besoins des premiers intéressés sont partis en fumée depuis belle lurette, à l’ombre de nuages orageux!
Sur ce bonne journée, au plaisir!!