Question about buffering coco

Hi all. Im a coco newbie about to start my first coco grow. I bought a 10 lb brick of compressed coco and already saturated and washed out all of the fine coco peat and fibers. Just wondering what amount of calmag solution should i apply to buffer all of this coco and do i need to use RO water or can i use well water for buffering? Thanks for any help or guidance


A lot of bricks are already buffered. I just add 1 tsp per gallon of Cal Mag supplement to the tap water I saturate it with. That’s it.

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I like to prep my coco and then condition the coco once it’s in the pots. I fill my pots and then put them in the bathtub and run an excess of solution to put the ph in place and add some nutrients. Then I plant my seeds or transplant i usually use a nutrient solution less that 500 ppm


I’ve used a few different bricks over time and lately been using Roots organic bricks and all I ever do is add 2g’s of epsom/gallon of water when I hydrate the brick and start growing. No washing no buffering over night… No perlite either… seems to work just fine for me.