Pre charging coco

Hey guys I just bought a brick of coco it’s triple washed and buffered it says so I made a solution of about 400 ppm at 5.8 my tap is about 220 is this ok for seedlings?


Ooooh. Never thought of that. I’m watching

I have 7 seedling I had planned on transferring to coco today, so this is perfect timing.

should be okay, i typically dont add nutes until i get first true leafs. early i used dechlorinated tap water, aloe vera, beneficial bacteria, recharge.

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I use the bricks also and just run a couple cups worth of nute solution before I throw the seeds in. Usually 2-300 ppms with 100 ppm starting water so about the same as you.

6.2 for coco.

I get the Canna Coco Bricks. 6.2ph plain ro water. Or I’ll add a 1/4 strength nute mix (just depends how much nute water is left in my Rez). Water until it’s expanded, like moist soil. Good to go. I like to keep it simple, works great for me.