Questions about RSO, best strain to make it and cancer

Hi guys, been refered here (precisely to a user named Sebring) by someone on reddit.

Here’s my story

Me and my family learned a couple of months ago that my father got a prostate cancer…

I’ve decided to investigate RSO and read plenty about it. Some claim to have cured their cancer using RSO or FECO oil.

Finally I’ve bought all I need to put my first seeds in pots. Got a grow tent and all the equipment needed. My dad will try this alternative before getting some chemo or other kind of treatment.

So, here I am!
I want to know what strain should I use to make the best possible RSO.

I know it must be heavy indica, high thc/cbd levels with a lot of resin production.

With the black friday this weekend, I’m hoping to get some deal. I live in canada and i want to order good seeds.

What should I buy? What seed bank to buy from? There’s so many…

And feel free to share your personal experiences with RSO and cancer. Do you know someone who healed? Is it really working?

Thank you guys for your help!


If you put an @ before @Sebring he will know you are looking for him.


Yeh I would get some Sebrings Revenge CBD very resinous buds and a good yielding plant. As for THC look for plants with the right terpenes Grand Daddy Purple and Northern Lights are good.


Canatonic is another strain that’s worth looking at ,also nothing wrong with mixing your own taking pure cbd and mixing in high thc tinkering the two to suit your needs .

I found with my cancer chemo treatments the high thc / cbd combo RSO worked very well . It’s been over a year now with a clean bill of health and still taking a half gram a day RSO as a preventative.

Work yourself up to a gram of RSO a day can be split into 2 half gram doses but from my experience and what info I’ve read you’ll need a min of a gram or more if you have it available.


My next-door neighbour got prostate cancer a few years back. He hated Western medicine and pharmaceuticals and decided to tackle it himself with RSO. He grew his own plants (not sure what kind) and made his own oil. He was taking so much of it that it made him really anxious and he complained often that he didn’t like taking it. He did it for well over a year.

It didn’t work. Eventually his life insurance (via employer) told him that if he didn’t accept the treatments recommended by his doctor, then they wouldn’t be paying out anything to his family if he died.

He accepted the western treatments, but only because he wanted his family to be taken care of when he was gone.

He died about 6 months later in a hospice.


Time is of the essence id be looking for flower or rso not grow instructions just sayin your 90 days out of any treatment.


Yep. Just buy the RSO and start hammering it now, but if the cancer is already advanced, don’t fuck around.

I think that’s the advice my dead neighbour would give.


Thank you… Sad story
Guess not everyone could be saved…


A few changes to diet along the way can also be beneficial. Add a shot or 2 of wheatgrass a day to give a bit of energy and start to restore some alkalinity to the body. Cancers really thrive in an acidic environment. Drop any coffee and red meat too.

The RSO is definitely a good idea but your method to get there might not give you enough time. (Not being a dick being a realist) and don’t fully disregard modern medicine all of these methods of attack together and early are gonna be your best form of defense IMHO