Quick advice and Easy

Hi guys,I have those 2 autos seeds sprouting into those biodegradable pots for seedlings.They are meant to be directly planted into soil.I would like to know how would I put Them into 3 gal pots without stunting autos roots.Should I cut more holes to help roots or will the roots putcome and penetrate those degradable seedling pots?
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Before you plant them in their permanent place in soil, just take a knife and score/cut the bottom of the biodegradable or or cut an X on the bottom…then it will be good to go.


Thank you,I did some holes with a pencil,I Will defenitely cut the entire bottom

The roots just grow through them. Put them directly into the new medium without doing anything else.

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Thank you both @PhilCuisine @Esrgood4u :heart:
I can “transplant” too soon,but not too late right?

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You can plant now but the biodegradable pot has to be totally wet for roots to pop through


It’s not a transplant if you put them directly into soil pot and all. The moisture in the soil softens the biodegradable pots and the roots just push through the sides. It won’t effect the plant at all. I’ve done the same thing numerous times with both photos and autos.

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Agreed, I’ve had seedlings die because the pot wasn’t wet enough.
Stopped using them, sowing straight into their final destination now.
It’s all money saved. They don’t need these things in the wild anyway.


I know,I Needed that because I had previous plants and had to keep the Place tidy,then,I put Them in those pots,but I defenitely sow autos in the final container,this time I had to do that way :frowning: