RC wut happened - original members

so can someone tell me wut went down, i kno i heard many stories after that are too sad to mention especially regarding his dogs- but id like to know wutever u guys know, and jus stories about any interactions

What kind of details are you talking about? I was a long-time member when RC got busted. In fact, I was about two weeks from harvest when the site went down and every one started panicking. I seriously thought about taking down my grow. But then I calmed down. Thank goodness. But seriously, there was all of this gossip at ocmag.com and other places about the cops having the servers and everyone being in danger. It was all just nonsense. RC got busted over seed sales through Heaven’s Stairways. I believe the story that the bust was due to pressure on the Canadian government by the US, because the DEA was pissed about seed sales to Americans.