Reversal of Bonsai Mother with 8 different strains grafted together

My bonsai mothers just got their bi monthly trim. In a month it’ll be time for their root trim.

Your multi clone makes me want to try and make a multi plant to save space!


Kamikasi guy :green_heart: :wave: :scorpion: :croissant: :champagne: :compass: :star: :soccer:

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Barely a Brazilian left there.


This was used years back when plant count was highly limited. It still is most places. One or two mothers with multiple genetics to pull clones off of. :green_heart:

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I recall someone sharing their grafting technique here on OG but I can’t seem to find it and of course i forgot to bookmark it.

Does anyone have a link? After the latest treatment with my Mendo Breath S1 makes me think it’s time to start on this long term project.

Edit: found it!!!