Reverse sex a male

I had a rough start this year and I popped some bag seeds and one 19 days in came out to be a SFV auto flower two little hairs everywhere and the other never showed yet so I assume it’s a regular 50/50or a feminized seed definitely more indica inclining.Im going to take a cutting from the non auto flower and flip it and presex it while keeping the potential Mom in veg.If it’s a male I still want to make a steady supply of seeds to dick around with.Yes I know they will be unstable but I plan on keeping a cutting of the male to back cross it if I find anything good after making an f2 if I can from the male s1 and inbreed the shit out of it.I’m just doing this for my own personal stock to get some experience .
I follow this really awesome guy from NorCal named Tony he has a seed bank named Boneyard Seeds.44bigbone44 on YouTube.He said you can flip a males sex with Epethon I was going to use florel as he suggests my question is how much Florel should I use to spray the male cuttings ?What would the liquid measurement ratio be florel to RO water I just wanted to mix up a gallon to spray the cuttings I take off the male if it’s a male.Anyone ever done this I’m an idiot with measurements ratios on this subject.Thank you for your time.


Reverse a male? Did I read right? :confused: I’d like to see what comes of this…


Taking a seat in the grass to watch this, best of luck bud.


Hard for me to follow, but are all the seeds you’re talking about from a bag of weed you bought? If so, the risk you run is that you’re starting with seeds that were formed from a hermie plant, or a plant that was in close proximity to a hermie. In which case, you’ll likely never be able to stabilize it, and everything you produce will also be hermies.


Sorry can’t help with any info but if you reach out to Tony aka Mr Toad in the YouTube comments he’ll hit you right back, I’ve chatted with him before nice guy


I was just researching this recently but I have no first hand experience. Can you please post pics as you do this project? I’d love to follow and learn if you don’t mind me posting up and watching.


Same I’m here to see this go down,. It’s crazy to think it’s possible but I’m down to see it be done! This will be a fun one to watch!. Good luck with this endeavor.


I have seen it done, I can’t remember off hand what chemical was used but we definitely got bud from an unwanted male

Mr Toad says the chemical is ethephon .I just need to find the doses to use and what time In the plants life to apply it.Both those seeds came from separate bags two different cultivars.One turned out to be a autoflower Not a hermie.The other one we don’t know yet.The other was from an unknown cultivar I got .Sorry for jumble guys I had a TBI years ago and I have a hard time making sentences sometimes.I’m a Vet using cannabis for medicine.Don’t know anyone with seeds so I had to try and make my own.


No need to apologize, Bro, NON WHATSOEVER!!! As a Vet myself (as is the wife), I share your search within our “hobby” to find that “inner peace”. What are you interested in, as far as CBD is concerned? If you narrow it down, I’m sure I can rummage through the “Ole Stash Bag” and come across something that may soothe your journey. Don’t be afraid to reach out, it’s helps to have a "helping hand OR two!!! Here if you need it, do stay safe, take special care, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: SPECIAL NOTE: NEVER EVER apologize for ANYTHING that impacted you because of your military service. I can tell ya, chasing those demons can wear you down.


I saw an article where SHABUD
Discussed doing the flipPING mALe the a.toking the bud as a test befoe using the pollen from same maLE
We can get you some seeds. Just tell us wwhat, you need.


[MOHAN RAM, H. Y. and V. S. ]AISWAL: Induction of female flowers on male plants of Cannabis sativa L. by 2-chloroethanephosphonic acid. Experientia 26,214-216 (1970).](

I would think 1/4 of the seed will be sterile or weird if it ends up yy. Unless there is some selection mechanism away from the y chromosome in the megaspore mother cell of a reversed male flower when forming the haploid gametophyte. Or maybe the y has all a functioning plant needs?

If you are in a place that gets mail, Overgrow can manifest seeds. We got you.

it is possible. I have the stuff to do it. I just don’t have a protocol i trust.

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The YY are called super males from the reading I’ve done. All male off spring.

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if seed is the issue we have plenty you can just have. Is this guy special? is this just for giggles? a cool experiment?

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I wish you the best :ok_hand:

But in all honesty if you just research the subject you will discover that it’s impossible to change a natural male cannabis plant into a female. Sorry.

However using products like what your using can force a male plant to show female characteristics although not actually truly become female.

In the end, it’s alot easier to flip a female to produce male like characteristics.

if you were to use gibberellins which are male marijuana plant hormones instead of ethylene on females, the plants would almost certainly immediately begin to display male-like characteristics…

If you need seeds to practice with and mess about with genitcs, I’ll happily send ya a 10 pack of Regular Autos.

Hell I’ll send ya a new package of Gibberellic acid :crazy_face:


They will become female enough to set seed, which I think is the point.

I guess the sex ratio would be 1:2:1;Female:Male:Super Male

I cannot find what I did with the ga3 I bought a few years ago. I thought it was in my freezer, but nope. It was amazing the effect it had… I almost want to dose a plant again just for giggles

Last time I used GA3 the plant branch that got sprayed grew 36" taller then the rest of the plant and still didn’t turn into male lol :laughing:

I just don’t see the point in this as it’s never going to be useful :confused:

Let’s say everything goes perfect and you end up with a perfect batch of all YY male seeds/Plants.

They will still hermie anything it touches, basically ruining any efforts…

Better off breeding Regs & pheno hunting the males specifically and use that pollen on the same mother plant that’s cloned repeatedly untill you find the prized male characteristics that are wanted. Or just grow a bunch of males and collect all the pollen to further lines of fem plants. Meh it’s just my opinion 🤷, it doesn’t really matter.

I’m not trying to discourag anyone from tryin regardless.

Personally if you wanna steady supply of male pollen, find a stud, clone it, keep it in veg as a father. When you want pollen, make a male clone and put it into flower 12/12 lighting. You will always have the male father in veg, thus never ending pollen.