It seems I’ve reached a shitty point. Spent good money on this and boom all fucking males I believe. I think I read somewhere I can reverse a male but I have no clue what it’s called and specially the process of spraying, when and how much. I need to reverse two !
Chemical name was found also used a lot by 797 seed bank
I’ve seen references before, a chemical of some sort but I have no idea if it is factual or how it is supposed to work.
I would strongly suggest you collect and preserve some of the male pollen, we’ve produced viable seed from 2+ year old pollen.
…Call it a plan “B” so to speak.
If it was me, I’d hunt through some Big Bud and find a ‘nice girl’, clone her and cross. Rinse and repeat but keep crossing back to the same male pollen.
1st cross = 50%
2nd cross = 75%
3rd cross = 87.5%
4th cross = 93.75%
quit when you are happy with the results.
I’ll bet there probably more efficient ways but this I understand.
I found someone who’s done some work with Ethephon I’ll make it into a whole new post once I figure this out so there can be more public information in regards to reversing males !
Might wanna search icmag I believe Sam the skunkman did some experiments with turning males to females and succeeded I also believe neville has done it before also so mr nice forum is another place I’d search .