Reverse ventilation?

Hi! I got an idea. Has anyone ever tried to do reverse ventilation? Intake on the top of the growbox and outake on the bottom of the box? For better CO2 and heat distribution? Because I got a problem when I am venting my whole room. Its winter in Czechia and all of the cool air is down at floor and its been sucked in to my box and its getting colder. But if the intake would be on the top then the warm air which is at the ceiling would be better for the plants? And CO2 falls down because its heavier than oxygen…

Any idea? Anyone? :smiley: :smiley:


There are good reasons to do it the way you describe, mainly very cold floors. It can’t hurt, as long as you are still venting your tent, you’ll be fine :slight_smile: watch those temps!


that’s an interested idea, please let me know how that works out for you. i just added a 750w space heater on the floor right outside my tent blowing at a passive intake hole but that’s lots of extra consumption and wasteful if i’m just exhausting it right back out


As long as you maintain negative pressure, it should work. Lots a ceiling fans have a switch for this very reason.

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Or set your exhaust on a thermostat.
So it only sucks in cold air when the room goes above a certain temp.


Excellent point! Sometimes we take for granted what we already do heh?


I also have trouble with cold temp, turn off intake fan and get some passive intake air vent going, temp should rise, good luck.

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yes i was considering getting an inkbird but then would i need a second fan/filter constantly running for odor? my plants don’t really have much odor right now tbh but maybe thats just the filter working lol

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Ya, I hear 'ya. You guys can also use a speed controller to slow your exhaust fan, if you need some constant negative pressure.

I Just ordered CLIMATE mini grower controler 2x600w. This thing does everything for me :slight_smile: Check it out