Rogutopia . 2023 . Calmer Than You Are

There’s two now!!


Teatre - Metropolis (full album):

Instrumental, electro-ish, ambient vibe, spaced out, mellow, 120-or-so bpm drum and bass, synth.


Intent sets the tone for how we perceive life, and since everything is cycles within cycles it might be wise to express intent clearly at the start of this magnificent year 2023.

May the seeds that are created in Rogutopia provide vigorous and healthy very extremely awesome plants which provide all the relief the ingester is looking for and then some.

May the offspring gift us all the most appropriate, benevolent, healing, and rejuvinating, creative, joyful, peaceful, blissful and soothing effects.

Thank you, that it may be so, and so it is.

:green_heart: :sun_with_face:


^ Four sprouts standing strong! The nettle is resurrecting itself, such a wonderfully resilient and extremely healthy perennial herb! Stays alive for years!

So grateful for having yet another very bushy plant with many flowers!

Today is a good day to be alive indeed, blessed I am with this abundace.

Peace to one and all!

Tommy Guerrero - Sunshine Radio [Full Album]


Such damage, such destruction… OMG.


^ A fifth brave volunteer has risen!
All these are doing well, seeing new growth daily and it’s a tremendous pleasure to start the day with!

^ The top half of the bush is doing its best to recover from the great floppening, already two weeks ago now, the leaves feel stiff, some discoloration, good that it’s not pollinated.
May the harvest be bountiful anyway!
Thank you for growing girl!
Maybe I should have let you do your thing…

Pulling the tall narrow one in the back down and sideways, tied it to the pepper plant next to it, super sturdy branches, wow, peper plants are like pure muscle, no need for trellis or bamboo sticks, just grow a pepperplant and keep pruning it!

Another win for permaculture, diversity makes everything more convenient.

Photo’s below is two little ones, indica leaning leaf structure. So cute.
Grateful for these, it’s all extra, it’s all diversity, all beautiful!
I make seeds with plants this size too because they’re in such small soil volume, no way to tell if it’s purely genetic or from overcrowding.
Diversity is more important than vigor / size / yield is my way of thinking.

^ The branch crossing horizonatally is nettle which I cut down earlier,
this thing grew from almost nothing to this in the last 2-3 days.

Thank you for following along and taking an interest in my little paradise garden.
I’m having a lot of fun here! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Soundtrack: James Bond themes played by full orchestra:

Have a wonderful day full of pleasant surprises and unexpected happy quinkidinks.

Those who have a lover or lovers nearby, grab them and dance!



Dancing in the afternoon Sun.
Thanks for the recommendation. I am not the dancer I once was, but man can I groove.



@Kasper0909 The beanage has arrived!
Rainbow bling and everything, amazing!
Thank you very much. :sunglasses:


Dang already? I was thinking it would take longer.


Good things and people are coming to me lately with a speed and effortlessness that is fascinating. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Very grateful for all that I receive, I feel very blessed!


She flopped over on the other side when I moved the container.
I taped her up this time, was hanging on by only a few threads…
It’s stimulating her scent though, can’t put it to words yet, but it’s very smooth.
Pulled a couple of leaves that were turning very yellow.
Some of the lower branches shot up overnight though, everything below the tape is doing fine!

May she recover well and beyond my expectations!

Feel free to cheer her on, go nuts!

What did I learn?
That I should be more generous with LITFA!
No more topping, no more flopping, no more LST, fuck it, grow wild, get burnt by the light, or grow beyond the light, it’s all good with me.

Edit: Was chewing on a leaf and it tasted like diesel.


Top half was completely wilted so harvested it, drying now, keeping it as a supplement, little bit of raw bud every day along with my decarbed bud, it all expands the diversity of cannabinoids that enter my body. :+1:

This is only first day of including a bit of raw bud but it seems to give me some extra energy.


I agree, I like a little THCA tincture. Helps calm the mind and helps me focus. Combined with CBDA, I’ve had it stop a panic attack. :+1:


I’m fairly sure the batches that I decarb for only 1 hr 11 mins at 100 C / 212 F also still contain a decent amount THCa. :thinking:

Another plus about legalization, we can get our stuff tested so we know precisely what we are ingesting.
Looking forward to someone getting herb tested that was decarbed with my method.
Would be amazing if I could get it tested myself in my own country.
May it happen this year, may it be so and so it is, amen.

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…and don’t criticize it.

This plant needs to be freed for the good of the Planet. Tomatoes, Cauliflower and Aloe are legal. Just saw a huge ‘illegal’ grow raided here in Oakland. Imagine someone limiting the amount of Strawberries you could plant. Or Hairy Vetch or Peppers.

To paraphrase Malcolm: if u put the knife in, pulling it out 2" cannot be called progress. Has yet to be legalized but has been capitalized.

I am improving and becoming more calm by the day



Thank you for keeping calm.
It’s a matter of patience and adding energy to it becoming a reality, to assume that it is so, and expect it, if you look at it long term it is still progress.
Starting to pull the knife out is better than pushing it in deeper. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Touché my friend. Well said indeed.

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Went for a walk, the river was sliding along like liquid chrome, reflecting a cloudless sky, the air tranquil and soft as ever, warmer than I expected, kissed a branch of a tree, they make life so much nicer, how essential they are…

Picked up some trash.
Gathered some tree leaves and grass that I topdressed with.

^ Two males and two females in the top left pot.

^ Seems like a pepper plant popped up.

^ Very optimal structure for my setup.
Interesting how the flowers are all about the the same size regardless of distance from the light. :thinking:

It is well with my soul.
May peace glow in everyone’s heart, profoundly.
I am grateful for life.

Behold, a choir of monks calling upon the cherubs:


Lowered light intensity by about half since a few days and the buds have significally grown… :thinking:

Made a thread about it: Light Intensity during Flowering

I can hear the rolly pollies chew on the leaves I topdressed. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
It’s these gentle popping and crunching sounds, super cute!
They having a feast down there.
Enjoy, my friends.
Om…nom nom.

Curtis Mayfield & The Impressions - It’s Alright (August, 1963) :

