Rogutopia . 2023 . Calmer Than You Are

Is ginger easy to grow?

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I’ve never grown ginger, but it’s kinda like growing potatoes I imagine.

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Yes and no it requires a lot of water think jungle/rainforest water :slight_smile: PS and high temps under 35F it’ll die


I had a good look at things and it appears that my judgement was on point.
Fits like a latex glove. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Tight, and wow does it feel good to be able to sow even more seeds!

Abundance of love and respect to @Oldtimerunderground for using my pollen chucked darlings to create offspring. Feelsgoodman.jpg. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :+1:

That is BOG Bubble Gum back cross, correct?

The Rogue Zero was two unknown parents: (milky-acrid-floral-pine female x pine-lemon male)

I sowed 3 of them in the top left corner and put a thin layer of old partly decomposed grass over the soil, I noticed it reduced the rolly pollies chewing on the sprouts.

A bit of grass may seem insignificant to a human being but for insects it’s a total jungle. It slows them down and hides the sprouts from hungry eyes. Starting a garden is as easy as throwing a great many different species of seeds all over your freshly cut lawns by the fist fulls, wheel barrows full of seeds, throw it around and stand back.

Never will you need to mow your lawn again.
Mix it all up; flowers, cannabis, herbs, vegetables, fruits, beans, let it all go nuts!

Harvest only the best and let the other half go to seed and return to the soil, both fertilizing and sowing itself at once, year after year, without needing to do anything but harvesting maximum half of what you get with a big smile on your face.


Heck yes! :smiley:
I have one of those Rogue Zero x Bubblegum BX going right now in veg…man I really need to update my grow log, I haven’t posted in forever :sweat_smile::joy:

Serious Seeds Bubblegum x Federation Mikado crossed back to a Serious Seeds Bubblegum


I see what you’re saying, but this mostly feeds the birds. They will eat most of that seed before it germinates. Maybe big patches that you cover for a few days until they sprout.

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That’s when you get some poles installed and get some strippers to do some pole dancing to keep the birds away. :+1:

There’s a solution for everything!


Making Desert Land Fertile with Water Bunds 💦


Today I sowed a bunch of cannabis seeds in the ring around the blue pot, because it’s silly not to, since I have date palm tree sprouts thriving in there.

New moon in Gemini in a couple of days so good timing to affirm what is welcome.

May the seeds I sowed thrive and grow with great vigor and joy, may they transform into strong majestic plants, gifting me with the most soothing, healing and bliss inducing flowers, may indeed all offspring provide great solace and ecstatic creativity and rejuvenation, may the effects be exactly what every being needs to be healthy and happy.

I am grateful for the kindness of the people here, I am grateful for everyone who ever has and ever will send me seeds, as I intend to send out seeds too.

It is well with my soul.


It is amazing to be alive!


And so it is!


New moon in Gemini amplifies the love. :green_heart:


^ Before I realized it, the seeds of both mothers got mixed up.

One smelled like lavender after drying, absolutely delicious!
The other one’s scent was that of roast chicken.

^ Mixed the lot and am decarbing for 2 hours.

To switch things up a little from previously cooking two batches,
one for 1hr11mins and the other for 2hr22mins.

It was lovely and very balanced effect without tolerance building.

Now since the harvest was of only two small plants I decided to change it up a little bit.
Cooking everything at 2 hrs gives a slightly different effect and brings out a bit more of the individual characteristics of the plant.

It is well with my soul.

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Contemplating taking all the smaller pots away and sowing and topdressing altogether in only the big fabric pots.
I think that perhaps I’m not using the full potential of my soil volume.
Not all of the cannabis seems to be reaching its roots through the holes in the pots resulting in plants that are a bit too small for my liking now.
It’s been very cute but now I like to see some more bigger plants, yes indeed.

On the other hand, maybe it’s really operating at maximum capacity… :upside_down_face:

The small pots sink pretty fast though, every few months I pull them up and push some of the mulch under it.


May this Solstice illuminate our hearts.

May our infinite nature shine brightly, intensely, lovingly, soothingly, abundantly, joyfully, peacefully, awesomely. May we be reminded of our eternal ongoing life and lives. May we be patient with ourselves and others. May we choose love and thrive as it, personified, embodied, rocking and rolling, spiralling on and on…

Onwards through the fog!


How bout instead of using the fabric pots try first just remove the bottom of the smaller plastic pots ? I believe it will bring forth the results you seek my friend:) PS you might like it better than the fabric pots they are so hard on the microbes, they just dry out so fast and with the bottom out even if you just removed most of it so the tap is sure to find it’s way out :slight_smile:


Screen Shot 2023-06-21 at 04.25.13

However, in my setup they don’t dry out fast at all, there’s moss growing where the fabric is pressed against the container. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
There’s very little air movement inside the container so that helps a lot.

Edit: I’m just being too impatient. It works fine as it is really. I always have enough medicine so any bitching or worry on my part is completely rediculous.


Happy Solstice to you too! I have changed to my golden avatar for the occasion. :+1:


Alright, alright, alright, I created a modern art masterpiece to place upon my window sill.

The tube is for watering and fertilizing with kitchenscraps, I put a sock on top to keep fungus gnats out. Curious what that little plant is, it can withstand severe drought.

Will get some privacy milky plastic foil to cover the window with to protect the neighbours from seeing an overload of funky magic going on. :sparkles:
It’s the north side but getting a lot of reflection from the white roof of the porch below.

Planted some field vetch beans to get the nitrogen going, the soil is a mystery.
I grabbed some from various pots outside and mixed it all together, a decent amount of old roots in there so that’s great.

Sowed 10 Blue Kush seeds.
I guess they’ll be vegging for 3 months. :joy: :upside_down_face: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Or they’ll start flowering sooner because root limitation.
That feeding tube will be continually packed with fresh kitchenscraps though so it’ll be interesting…!
Will be topping very early on perhaps.


I am grateful for my abundance!
It is well with my soul.


This may not be exactly what your seeking, but I recently found Neurographic Art. I have a good many friends, seeking help with calming their brain . This process is super simple, super effective for some, nothing special to buy, any type of blank paper and a pen.
It seems to help rebuild/reconnect neuro pathways, by some Russian psychologist around 2014.
My dear friend, lost a child in a fire, 7 years ago. I really thought she was going to follow him, and extinguish her light.
She is fighting back as hard as she can, so anytime, I find a speck of something, that may help her, I send it.
Brain Spotting helped a lot, meditation is helping also. Donating time at animal shelters is calming her brain.
Last night, she called so say, it’s been like 3-4 weeks now of waking up, and starting her 1/2 hour neurographic doodle, she is finding relief from the horror her mind keeps alive, concerning his death.
She now works one in the AM, and before bed, takes some time work on another.
So just in case others are seeking relief from mind/brain turmoil, this maybe something to aid your fight. Nothing to buy, nothing to support, simple, easy, and now I know one person, in great turmoil, finding some relief. Neurographic Art Demonstration with Cheri Hunt - YouTube