Rogutopia . 2023 . The Compost Towers

Mmm, caramel. Now we’re talking!


Haha Much thanks, but I don’t want any seeds, just love bread pudding and thought some may like the Pan de Calatrava if they’re into bread puddings. Thanks again!


DM inbound brother Rogue.


I like this game. :crazy_face:


Gonna give away another pack on the 8/8 LIONS GATE.

“The Lion’s Gate portal is when Sirius, Earth, and the Orion constellation are all in alignment with each other. Lion’s Gate gets its name from the zodiac sign of Leo, which the sun is currently transiting through. Leo is all about our hearts and the passions that beat there.”

So on 8 august another give away. :green_heart:

Full moon in magical Aquarius coming up too, so maybe then also…


My son is a leo, August 3rd.

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Cool wizard art!

“He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire”


I’m currently partial to eating only the 2hr22mins batch.

Alignment with the harmony of duality.

It feels like coming home.

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Everyone on this planet is treading on holy ground.
Without this planet we couldn’t be playing human here and now.
This wonderful herb, helping us see the beauty of what IS, always forever.


At dawn…

When they’re about the height of the window handle I’ll flip them to flower.


And now there are three!

This one is strictly for autoflowers, ordered the following:

6 x Auto Purple (Original Sensible) feminized (Afghan)
5 x Big Auto Tao (Top Tao Seeds) regular

Thinking about sowing two fems, one on each side, with one reg.
So only 3 plants at a time in this one.

Should make a nice cross. :green_heart: :+1:

Sowed companion crops: vetch, calendula, (bell)peppers.
The soil is recycled from an outside pot. Looked black as the night, so hellooooo…

I will keep the other two under the LED, they’ll be flipping to flower soon anyway.

Then… I could get a fourth pot to go on the window sil!

Screen Shot 2023-07-30 at 02.04.56

Now I’m gonna procure a pink baby hat or something to put on the tube, can’t find any socks in my drawer that are stretchy enough.

It is fantastic with my soul.


It’s something between topping and fimming… :thinking:

Managed to do it two times as well.


Gonna give them another week, flipping to flower at the 8.8 Lions Gate.

Meanwhile 24 hrs light every day, just for fun, they seem to love it so far.

Very excited about my auto seeds being on their way to me.

It is very well with my soul.


It certainly is…:wink::v:t3:


Sowed two Auto Purple fem by Sensible Seeds today.

Some pure purple Afghan cultivar crossed with ruderalis, things are looking good!

May they exceed any and all expectations and grow to be fantabulous plants!

It continues to be so very fantastic with my soul.

What a time to be alive!!!


Pulled the socks off the towers to have a look and they are, ofcourse, infested with fungus gnats. :joy: :rofl:

Took the hoover to them and when most of them were gone I put the socks on again.
Hey, so long as they stay in there they help breaking down the organic matter and when they die they enrich it, they only live for about a week anyway.

No more watering and feeding the towers for the next year or so. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It is well with my soul.


I’ve been switching back and forth between the two batches of decarbed bud (1hr11mins and 2hr22mins, both @ 100 C / 212F), low on stash so as an experiment, for a little while I was only eating of one of either batch, to perhaps stretch it out until next harvest.

But combining is really the way to go it seems.

Feels better than eating one or the other.


The first of the auto’s has risennn!!!


A second Auto Purple rose to the light!

Meanwhile I sowed two more because I thought I might have sowed the first two a little too deep.
They will likely pop up in the next few days.

I appreciate the growing and the thriving, and the abundance of all that is enjoyable and pleasant and blissful.

The river of life keeps on flowing and it is well with my soul.



All together a happy family!

First day of flower, pinched off a bunch of fan leaves and made tea with them.

May the females be plenty and the males few to none, thank you!

The pot with auto’s depicted at the bottom will be getting 24/24 light; half of it LED, and half of it sunlight on the windowsil. I joyfully accept my abundance!

Things are looking good!

It is well with my body & soul. :green_heart: :sun_with_face: