Root Aphids 🤬 Best way to get rid of them?

Natural ways or insecticide advice needed.

There’s so much info online I just want to cut to the chase and find out what works for OG !!

Little buggers. No fun.

Where are you at in your grow? I had them last year and got rid of them by cloning out of it. Take cuts and clean them really well. Tweetmint works really well but any kind of plant cleaner would work. Pure crop is nice too. Once your cuts are cleaned root them in a different area of your house. The main grow area needs to be cleaned of all plant matter and left empty for a week. Root aphids do not lay eggs indoors from the research I did. They are all female and reproduce via clone. When there is no host material they will all die within 3-4 days. Give it a week to sit and once you have your cuts do not return to that area at all. You want to avoid letting a flyer follow you out.

You’re going to need some Botanigard. It’s pricey but it was what did the trick for me. I soaked my plugs in the Botanigard and rooted them into that 2 floors away from my main grow.

If you want some Botanigard I will ship you enough to get through this. Happy to help. Those guys are no fun.

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Johnny just posted this info

Looks like it will work


@CruJones Im in veg, about a month+ in, she was just transplanted a week or two ago and may have had too much nutes, so everything that would bring aphids in, was present.
Thank you for the straightforward reply this is extremely helpful

We should link up about the Botanigard, Thank you for your kindness to me a stranger .

I understand the general Idea of cloning , guess its time to get what I need to do it !

My first attempt at cloning was taking a trimming and sticking it in soil… well we all know how that went :stuck_out_tongue:
@Papalag thank you im reading that now

Will this work for the root variant of aphids? Im just wondering because they aren’t on the foliage , they are on the soil.


That’s a bingo. I would highly recommend cloning out of it. You need to get rid of that rootball and start over. I know it sucks, but killing every single last RA in the media isn’t going to happen. Even with systemic pesticides. If one remains, you’ll be right back here in 6 weeks. I’ve seen thread after thread after thread of people trying unsuccessfully to fight through a grow.

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My first grow was that fight. I made it through but she only yielded maybe a half O.

Is it possible to clone without any root gel and such?

You don’t need root gel. It helps but isn’t needed. Aloe works too if you have an aloe plant.

You need a dome for sure.


Bro I recently did this I ran out of rapid rooters ( I still clone the old fashion way lol) so I just stuck them some pro mix ( there’s no fertilizer in it ) and it took like 20 days just keep it moist !

Also a friend just puts his cuts in water and leaves them alone for like 2 week’s changing water from time to time

Not sure I never used it yet but I would spray the top of the soil also

If you put a layer of sand or DE some insects don’t like to it and can’t live in it

I still use chemicals captain jacks dead bud works for me

It’s guick and kills everything lol


:open_mouth: Mind blown , I thought It just didnt work but to my surprise I just gave up too early , your friends plan sounds nice too though :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is super helpful, I think im gonna slap them in a cup :slight_smile:

Hay Webe :clap::+1: great find I’ll definitely make note


Any trusted sites that sell this stuff for indoor garden use, the quantity of the nematodes for example could cover acres :sweat_smile: , thank you though man this is great information. Saved and noted for sure !


You can use this easy method, be aware it will also kill your macrobiota (beneficial microbes) but you can repopulate them later on with a tea or similar … avatar38|nullxnull

Use about two teaspoons of 35% hydrogen peroxide to around one gallon of water and then use it on your garden every other time you go out to water your plants.




I agree with this it’s very easy to rebuild

Speaking of compost tea
It you spray your leaves and top is soil , it acts like an insecticide ie will keep the mites away


Gnats and Root Aphids look alike but they’re completely different. Root Aphids aren’t controlled with BTI.


ur right. i was thinking fungus gnats.


Awesome Gold bar right here. Thanks for sharing!!

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