Diy pesticides

so in the process of dealing with aphids i found this lil recipe wich was the best control i found for my aphid problem

i say control as it never eradicated them but it would put them under control

im wondering if any one got better options or recomendation of what could better this recipe for aphids and or other pests


just had a spider mite infestation. took care of it with water and dawn, just enough to get a sheen on the water. sprayed 3x daily for a week. healthy girl now.

sadly her sister succumbed to her infestation.

just got to the part where he said not to use dawn. damn. works though, didn’t drop the first leaf or burn anything.


I got rid of spider mites with Murphys oil soap, Neem oil and aloe foliar. I used Neem and Murphy’s to cut down on the fungus gnats when they pickup, pretty much knocks them out ftmp. spray right on soil surface and fabric pots down the sides inside the pot beside the dirt. I used Murphy’s, baking soda and aloe to kill off pm infestation.

Foliar/soil for spider mites and gnats:
1liter of water
1/2 tsp Neem
1/8th tsp or less of Murphy’s.
1 stick of aloe, harvested the gel, would guess 2 tablespoons of gel.

Pm spray:
1 liter H2O
1/8th tsp or less of Murphy’s
1 tsp of baking soda
about 2 tablespoons of aloe gel.
I did every 3 days so like M-T-Su-W etc until gone.
I sprayed everything the soil the pot the stems the tops and bottoms of the leaves.


Here is one from @JohnnyPotseed ,


I use that recipe and it works great.

Tea tree oil I get here. Pretty cheap and was free shipping…and that makes it a serious deal

oooooops forgot to add

2 Tablespoons castile soap
2 Tablespoons iso alcohol
mix with water in a 24 oz sprayer and use on the soil surface for fungus gnats. It kills them dead on contact. Not an end all but it significantly knocks back the population. Use as soon as you open the tent, it’s harder if they are airborne :slight_smile: …if you can do it twice a day even better.

Just giving the plants a heavy misting of plain water every night got rid of them for me,They really hate the extra moisture.