Ryasco's Outdoor Photos and Random Thoughts




Peterson is a modern philosopher who teaches in Toronto.

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Thats funny. Im watching that right now.

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Very informative points of view. Extremely interesting.

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This is some cured Orange Creamsicle.


I found this study thanks to @lotus710 peaking my curiosity. It is interesting but not great for cannabis. The PH was kept at 7.7 which nobody does and the soil was not ideal for cannabis. The addition of Calcium chloride and borax was quit impressive.

I have a feeling this is going to start happening more and more, the big corporations are going to use their billions of dollars to try and buy out as many products and growing companies as they can to try and corner the market. This is just the beginning, I wish some states would outlaw big grows so it stays personal instead of more of these giant automated factories sacrificing quality for quantity without thinking twice. It’s a shame that this is even allowed to go on, it should of been outlawed!

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As far as i can tell it has been going on as far back as the first cultures. You can’t control a group without controlling all food and commerce, and why shouldn’t the rulers be expected to give friends and family first shot. Wars are about changing the friends and family. It is very frustrating people seem to want to join sides to get the most instead of making decisions that improve everybody. Us against them mentality. Doesn’t matter much if you are an outlaw then you get more the more risky the environment.

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Couldn’t of said it better my friend!

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Another good show! Robert Sapolsky has a great mind.

this is the grossest smelling shit ever


You have my curiosity peaked. Is it a lacto culture?


Yessir it is. Finished product. Just gotta mix it with sugar


A good show with Ed Rosenthal.

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This shit was funny!

LMFAO!!! these videos are hilarious

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I saw this live and couldn’t believe what was hearing. Ha! Ha! Making a cartoon out of it is genius.

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Nice toy you got there. :grin:

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