Ryasco's Outdoor Photos and Random Thoughts

I always seem to have more wants than money. That would just be a toy in central California anyway. I like the reflectivity and insulation properties however.

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They aren’t looking here for grows anymore.

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it was almost 20 years ago when that happend.

Damn son. Expensive. But its worth it to not get busted. Some people dont get that. Especially with seeds. Then they come back like damn i shoulda paid the 150 for a packXD

Here you get the burglars with hand held infra red thermometers pointing them at windows to check, esp if the blinds are closed for a long time. they only cost 20 bucks. it fires a beam and reads the temperature.

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Nutrients a small fortune
It all adds up

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If anybody creeps in my neighborhood they better be good at their trade. If they slip it will be brutal. The locals here don’t give a lot of chances.


the problem is a lot of junkies are burglars and know about grow rooms they dont value their life too much, if they come here they will be dog food before they got in. the dogs would probably bring me the bones, and i would have to make a new pond with concrete base. pmsl. The local police helicopter has just been shut down due to austerity cuts, so the small growers in attics are now getting some peace. I just like the fact its fire proof, not resistant fire proof. light it nothing happens its metal.

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I would love to use it! I couldn’t justify it at the moment but down the road it would be nice. Yea , you can’t guard against desperation.

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There others for reflection that have a better reflection rating, my primary concern was flir and fire proof. its not much more than mylar I dont think.

Keep safe and happy overgrowing


Yep if you’re not logged in as a member you wont have a access to the Shark Tank. @Herbie.

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Some smaller buds are done on the Sorcerors x Girl Scout. Trim a little now, a lot more tonight.


I just finished the last of the trimming for the Sorcerors x Girl Scout and what a chore. I have twice as much trim than bud. It is pretty stoney and smells piney, lemony, with a hint of skunk. The taste is menthol and fruit but still uncured.


I salute you bro! Cheers! @ryasco

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Holy shit! Canada pays 10.5 million to an Afghan soldier with Canadian citizenship after killing several Americans.

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I dont believe this at all. They probly used this as a bullshit excuse to give them more money to fund the wars.


Can you believe it.


A post was merged into an existing topic: 7 Creepy Crawlies You Want in Your Garden

Some California outdoor for you.