Ryasco's Outdoor Photos and Random Thoughts

Nice! I don’t have that one.

I really enjoy a Buddhist with a sense of humor.

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Jodie is tearing it up on Hash Church.


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check the live chat ill say your name 10 times;)

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This isn’t for everybody but i like it.


Here is the newest Weed Nerd if you like.


If you have any curiosity towards Terrance Mckenna or Dennis of course.

This makes me want to build my own press :point_up:

Just imagine the modifications you could make at will.

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This has updated and new information from Fingerprints of the Gods.

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This is primarily for anyone interested in philosophy. Sheldrake really allows you to look at things differently.


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I really like random topics.

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Here is something i thought was interesting.




Here we go again.

Uh… dude… is that your fucking book???:astonished::astonished::neutral_face::expressionless::grimacing:

Why certainly. I recommend it highly. Get it highly!

I hate youXD. you cant just go get that book in canada. Cheapest you find it up here is 200 bucks used bro. Buy me a copy and ship her up this way;) ive needee that book for quite some time

I bought the book here.

If you can’t get this in Canada let me know. We can get you the book.

No no. Not that one. I need the brotherhood of the screaming abyss

All right here you go, try that.