Ryasco's Outdoor Photos and Random Thoughts

Good dog, but that horse looks a little shadey to me.


Sure! When horse arrives home must put the man in bed n preparate mornig coffeā€¦
Seriously, have ya seen my real horses pics?

ā€¦y lo dejo aquĆ­, que ahora es cuando el macho ā€œse anima de verdadā€ yā€¦habĆ©is visto los troncos de la ganja en Monte Adentro?..pues esoā€¦

When El Jefe is away, the horses will play!

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I think El Jefe is the only guiltyā€¦ I give them so much marihuana leavesā€¦

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Who can argue with Carl Sagan?
ā€œThe illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."ā€•Carl Sagan

Even Martha Stewart is open about cannabis!
ā€œOf course I know how to roll a joint.ā€ā€•Martha Stewart

And one of our favorite prophetā€™s preached for herb his whole life.
ā€œWhen you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.ā€ā€•Bob Marley


I bet doing time with Martha Stewart was cool.

I bet she made ā€œthe fireā€ pruno!

I can hear it now. Put her in with meeeee.

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Scientia Horticulturae

Volume 124, Issue 3, 5 April 2010, Pages 299ā€“305
Cover image
Effect of application methods of organic fertilizer on growth, soil chemical properties and microbial densities in organic bulb onion production


This study was carried out to maximize the fertilization efficiency of mixed organic fertilizer (OF) for organically managed onion (Allium cepa L.) production during the one growing season of 2005ā€“2006. The organic fertilizer was made of organic materials like sesame oil cake, rice bran and molasses and minerals like illite and mountainous soil. Four organic topdressing treatments, which all followed the same basal fertilization with solid OF, consisted of solid OF without mulch (OF/OFnM), liquid organic fertilizer without mulch (OF/LOFnM), liquid organic fertilizer under mulch (OF/LOFuM) and liquid organic fertilizer over mulch (OF/LOFoM). Chemical fertilizer (CF) and no fertilizer (NF) were treated as controls. The solid organic fertilization base was 2.0 ton haāˆ’1, and 4.57 ton haāˆ’1 and was used for topdressing. The total amount of liquid organic fertilization was 133.2 ton haāˆ’1, which was divided into 6 applications from February through March. The OF/LOFuM and OF/LOFoM topdressings did not reduce onion height, leaf number or bulb diameter as compared to chemical fertilizer, whereas no mulch treatments made onion growth significantly poorer. Onion top weight in CF was significantly higher than that in OF groups at the peak growth stage, while there was not much difference in bulb weight between the CF and OF/LOFoM treatment. Finally, the onion marketable yield was 45.9 ton haāˆ’1 in the OF/LOFoM treatment, which exceeded that in the CF treatment by up to 1.9 ton. Furthermore, OF/LOFoM was the most effective among all the treatments in transferring the nutrients from sink to source. CF made the soil pH more acidic than OF did, and the electrical conductivity (EC) remained higher with CF than OF as well. While organic fertilizer helped to keep the NO3-N content stable throughout the growing season, the concentration rapidly oscillated up and down according to CF fertilization. Organic fertilizer increased population number of soil microorganisms like aerobes, actinomycetes in the field.

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Here is a good study on roots and phosphorus uptake.

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Plant foods are sold as salts or as salts dissolved in water. Salts are stable compounds that, when dissolved in water, can be absorbed by plants. Fertilizer solutions that arenā€™t taken up by a plant often dry out and so revert to their salty forms. Because salts ā€œburnā€ plants, they often are accused of causing tip burn.

Excess fertilizing can cause brown leaf tips. Unused salts build up in over fertilized soil and damage a plantā€™s roots. This malady can occur even if you fertilize only now and then. If you use too much fertilizer at one time, it wonā€™t all be absorbed. Worse, a sick or dormant plant isnā€™t able to absorb even, a normal dose of plant food. So feeding a sick plant can harm it. Root hairs that are surrounded by excess salts are injured and, therefore, arenā€™t able to send water up to the plant. The result: the leaf tips dry up and turn brown.

Itā€™s possible to unintentionally over-fertilize a healthy plant. Some potting soils are fortified with plant foods. Since they contain organic constituents as well, they heat up inside the bag during storage. The work of microorganisms causes the release of extra nutrients and, when plants are potted up, they may get a double dose of fertilizers.

Plants potted with unfortified soil and fed only at proper intervals still can get tip burn from fertilizer. When dry soil is fertilized, roots suddenly are exposed to a very high concentration of nutrients. Clay pots all too often show another kind of salt build-up. The white crust that accumulates on the out-sides of pots is mostly fertilizer (that passes through the porous sides) and partly hard water solids. As far as has been determined, the salts that collect from hard water do not burn roots or cause plant injury except to acid. loving plants such as azaleas.

This was taken from here; http://www.schundler.com/tipburn.htm.


I liked the information. So what is your thoughts on how to feed a plant using the information you posted ^^^.

Right now i am using Biothrive only when needed. I topdress with kelp and crabmeal every week. I use a few salts, Potassium silicate and gh cal/mag. I am not perfect. I use humic and fulvic to help mediate any buildup that might occur. I also like aloe since i have a lot of plants. I watch for signā€™s of stress then do what i hope is right.

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Iā€™ve been wanting to try Biothrive.

I hate to admit i like it, but i do. I used to make my own soil, use tea and aloe for feeding. I top dressed with kelp,neem and karanja through veg and crabmeal through end of veg till three weeks from harvest. Earthworm castings as topdress. Now i just donā€™t want to spend all the time cooking soil and guessing how much of what to amend. I think there are many ways to skin a cat as they say. I donā€™t like the Monsanto angle on Biothrive but it does work. I get as good results but when everything is perfect i would say organic is better. I am not pure organic right now.

I agreeā€¦ I like Aero but my partners donā€™t like it. Looks like I will have to make some gear changes.

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As I said before, a goog mixture of bat guano n wood ashes can apport all P, K, n Silicio ya needā€¦ Neem dust as pests preventiva in soil apports the 80% in neem weight in humic&fulvic acidsā€¦

Right! Other example: plants even dont eat molasses; microrganism eat n transform it in a ā€œeating stateā€ to plants rootsā€¦

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You are right. I could do that in big pots or if i work it into my soil before hand to break down. I might do that in the future. I use crab instead of guano because it is semi local. (local to the U.S.) Not a big fan of poop indoors either.


lol I hate looking into a spoon full of Earth Juice.