Ryasco's Outdoor Photos and Random Thoughts

My comfrey came out of winter nicely.


Do you think this lawsuit will keep corporations from using our tax payed police officers as their personal thugs? The Cannabis community has been putting up with this for how many years. We got and get tossed in jail cells while Monsanto, GW Pharmaceuticals and the government get to make medicine, take out patents and do whatever they feel like.

Great show on powdery mildew.

This is a cool link a few might be interested in. It is old and a few links are gone. It has some historical aspects that are way neat. Info about strains and such.


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We are at 990 users woohoo! 10 more and 1000!

I did mention i am easily amused right.

This is Indraā€™s company. He has a 2.7 million dollar lab for extractions. Here is his extraction machine he sells.

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Wooooo!!! Iā€™m a regular!! :grin:


Iā€™m happy for youā€¦

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Keng Sang Chu

Master Keng Sang Chu, a disciple of Lao Tzu, Became famous for his wisdom, and the people of WeiLei began to venerate him as a sage. He avoided their homage and refused their gifts. He kept himself hidden and would not let them come to see him. His disciples remonstrated with him, and declared that since the time Yao and Shun it had been tradition for wise men to accept veneration, and thus exercise a good influence. Master Keng replied:

"Come here, my children, listen to this.
If a beast big enough to swallow a wagon
Should leave its mountain forest,
It will not escape the hunters trap.
If a fish big enough to swallow a boat
Lets itself be stranded by the outgoing tide,
Then even ants will destroy it.
So birds fly high, beasts remain
In trackless solitudes,
Keep out of sight; and fishes
Or turtles go deep down,
Down to the very bottom.
The man who has some respect for his person
Keeps his carcass out of sight,
Hides himself as perfectly as he can.
As for Yao and Shun: why praise such kings?
What good did their morality do?
They knocked a hole in the wall
And let it fill up with brambles.
They numbered the hairs of your head
Before combing them.
They counted out each grain of rice
Before cooking their dinner.
What good did they do to the world
With their scrupulous distinctions?
If the virtuous are honored,
The world will be filled with envy.
If the smart man is rewarded,
The world will be filled with thieves.
You cannot make men good or honest
by praising virtue and knowledge.
Since the days of pious Yao and virtuous Shun
Everybody has been trying to get rich:
A son will kill his father for money,
A minister will murder his sovereign
To satisfy ambition.
In broad daylight they rob each other,
At midnight they break down walls:
The root of all this was planted
In the time of Yao and Shun.
The branches will grow for a thousand ages,
And a thousand ages from now
Men will be eating one another raw.

This is from, ā€œThe Way Of Chuang Tzu.ā€ It was written by Thomas Merton a trappist monk who loved Asian philosophy.
He wrote this after reading four translations, two English, one French, and one German and these were his favorite storiesā€¦ The original philosophy is from around 550 to 250 b.c. If you notice the complaints of everyday struggle and politics hasnā€™t changed much from this story. It is a bit dark but i find myself flipping to it often.

Okā€¦ Be honest you are holding on to some C99ā€¦


Nope all Orange Creamsicle.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Cannabis Current Events

Ralph Smart is a Psychologist. Life Coach. Author. Cinematographer.

He also makes me smile.

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Interesting interview. One of the last of John Anthony West. Hopefully not the last.
http://www.jawest.com/ Website

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I havenā€™t listened to the whole interview yet.
But I have to ask if you have ever, or currently listen to Art Bell/George Noory
Coast to Coast AM???:roll_eyes:

Good stuff, indeedā€‹:+1::grin:

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I have heard of them, but didnā€™t know they where online. Thank you.

Making apple cider vinegar


Nice idea! I never thought to even try, that is cool.

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Mr. West was a frequent guest on Coast to Coast. Very interesting guy.

See here: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/search/?query=John+Anthony+west

And this: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/videos#!/19799/66508/Theories-of-the-Sphinx

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