Samwells Purple Poison Cookies

Amen bro! Love it


I’ve been eyeballing this one for a while too! @SamwellBB has tons of fire and is a great guy and stellar breeder to boot! Looking forward to the show my friend


Oh by the way. Ive been growing and making seeds now for just over 15 years. And, I can finally say that im somewhat legal now in my home state of Ohio.


have to use this photo for the Purple Poison Cookies packaging … ha ha ha :fire:


Over 36 hours in the cup and not a single seed has cracked yet. All of the seeds were super small too. Pack is a few years old as well. Im going to be patient though.


any problems just let me know - I’ll send you a bunch more :fire:
you never know where the beanz have been
if they go thru an x ray machine… etc.


In a cup of water??

Xray machine can hurt beans?

Yea. A small amount of bottled water with a drop of hydrogen peroxide. Like i always do.

3 out of 5 have taps. The other two are starting to open.


it seems to me but to verify that it can cause cytoplasmic mutations or cause a reduction in fertility
but one day I came across the report of a student who was carrying out studies in a cannabis university in the US, one of the studies consisted of x-ray bombardments on cannabis seeds, following this exposure of the seeds to x-rays. small numbers of seeds were able to germinate and it was so fire that a small number of students managed to get the plants out of the university and keep them secretly
and I wonder if I didn’t read that here somewhere

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I don’t know but i think 36h it’s a bit long
Peace out

Not sure if anyone has poated this idea yet…but I keep this one in my back pock2t for hard to crack/old seeds…


I have a film bottle lined with sand paper i use for this. I didnt use it on these though.

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They are starting to grow taps. I think they are gonna be just fine. Are all the purple poison cookie beans real small? I appreciate your concern.


Have faith in the small beans! My “Scoutcicle” seeds are half the size of their sister seeds from 2 other plants but they’re doing nicely. Dynamite in small packages right?

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The Mac f2 @SamwellBB send to me are some of the smallest seeds i’ve seen

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the Port Wine Cheese are the smallest seeds I have made but they germinate perfectly
the Purple Poison Cookies beanz are not usually very small, I would call them medium size
some of the Baked Beanz Purple Poison Cookies seeds

here’s one of the Purple Poison Cookies ladies that I grew

one also had a mutation


Feed me seymore…imagin xrYed seeds tgat produce a plant like seymore…lol

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