SAN checking in @ OG

:grinning: goood morning san hope you are well my friend

100% 9 for 9 on ya beans already potted to 1 ltr and didnt miss a beat :green_heart:

cheetos sounds real nice, exodus cheese is a fave of mine is that the cheese in the cheese x holy princess??

one love my man :om:



yes, the exodus clone is the lady in all my cheese X’s.

exodus cheese x holy princess = “sweet treat” :wink:
i hope she does well for you, brother. enjoy !


oh my :astonished: i do so like exo cheese used to smoke it at the parties in the 90s could never get a cut was to young and stuuuupid :crazy_face:

your beans are the 8 in 1 ltr in the middle and the number 8 on the right its looking a little funny this morning i will keep a close eye on it

this is the first pic i have posted ever hope it works

one love :om:

:man_farmer:lime :seedling: :herb: :evergreen_tree:


Thanks for the info.

Who could have been unhappy with that fem version? One of my all time favorite smokes I found within them, just one plant but I found it. I didn’t take a cutting which is an absolute bummer hence I search for some of those fem beans anywhere but it’s seems they are gone or we’ll kept lol


best to ask the source, i bet esko still has some and he is same as ge-
nerous. actually, he was the biggest influence for me and what i do today.
i am convinced that if he still has some, he will share it your way, bro.

ow, i agree, the “sm”-clone is great … best strawberry candy-taste.
most strawberry stuff is bland in comparsion (no matter how hyped).
the clone was shared via france as “cerise d’exo planck”.

@Limeflavouredheadbut everything looks beautiful.
ey, i feel honored to be the first thing you openly post
and am eager to see how they develop for you, mate.

what are the rest of the plants, they all look very happy :slight_smile:


thanks man :slightly_smiling_face:

the others

on the right
ESB by @Baudelaire (fleur de mal)
box of chocs mix by @Worcestershire_Farms
hippy poison x azad kashmir
bubba’s tooth x az k
herijuana x az k
mango biche xg13hp x azk

romulon (unknown)
and the tall underfed one is a cut of gsc x maui mango haze that was in a glass of water for 3 months (very tuff plant) :crazy_face:

on the left there is
ww x mmh @Guitarzan
sd x c99 xmmh
ssdd f2 @HolyAngel

and the seedlings are

mr nice shit
doc d band aid haze
doc d wot pho
dragons blood hash plant @BigMike55
cheech wizard f2 @nube
strawberry diesel x space dude @Eagles009

the ssdd had a hard time for some reason but seem to be picking up now

:man_farmer: i love popping beans planning more rite now

that is the sd x c99 mmh @Guitarzan

growth in growing :seedling: :herb: :evergreen_tree:
:man_farmer:lime :om:


Thanks , will do – let me get things together ! Peace


I’m still trimming and have been lazy af but here’s a pic of the sf x bnp. More to come later.

Edit: @GMan It’s called berry nice plants. Cerise exo planck bx (possibly to choc rain but not positive)
but I’m sure san has some better info on it


What’s the BNP, again?.. my strain brain has not warmed up yet this morning. Nice work!


She is so beautiful my friend

Thanks for sharing


oi, GMan :slight_smile:
check here, mate:

the bridge for the backcross to the “SM” clone was chocolate rain.


have to check “neogitu’s” grow – and that line sounds very interesting (BNP x sanfune) alway great to grwo “new” stuff


Hey brother, you’re always bringing the fire. That’s some cool work you’ve been doing. I may have to trade you some stuff one day soon.

I just found those Lemon Thai from you and Smile. I want to run them and hopefully get a male to create a few seeds. I wish I could grow more stuff in less time. So much stuff going on. I’ll be keeping an eye on your thread. peace


your MAC F2’s pheno #6 (miricle alien cookie) looks very interesting as your Strawberry-chocolate pheno,GDP, cherry pie x of kush, chettos, alien tech x sour alien dawg, snow thrower, and “sanfune” and sd xc99mmh _ I mean they all look sound and look great. anything you want to sen wiil be greatly appreciated. and will run and post grwo journals !! Peace will be getting bsack to you soon about the package I"m sending you. Peace


going threw my seed bank - didn’t really realize the # if seeds I have gotten over the years (see addict)


haha, i am the same … total seedslut.
i just ordered some perfect tree and grounded genetics stuff.
couldn’t help myself, lol.


A place full of dirty little whores :smiley:


being a “seed addict” it’s hard to pass-up great deals with seeds, ect _______Dam Help !!! (treatment is the only answer) - What strains from the breeders did you get ?


Maybe we can sell off our collections when the time is right (if we’re lucky) to have enough money for a decent burial! :grin: :+1: :v:


<<< recovering seed whore, :pensive: caught in a dark allyways late at night doing unspeakable things for beans :astonished: