My grow + intro

Hi guys new here, if I’m posting things where not supposed to forgive me.
I have quite a bit of experience but that certainly doesn’t mean I’ve been doing things right!
Had a couple of years off, now back in the saddle. here’s my grow
Just flipped to 12/12 yesterday.x 3 Mars fc3000’s in flowing room. Roughly 4m x1200 space.
Multiple strains, (gonna get crazy but I can’t help myself)
Bubble bomb, silver surfer, bubba kush, purple kush, purple critical, sensi’s Durban, orange hill special & apple crumble. Got the canopy mostly the same height for now at least.

Any comments, advice, criticisms all welcome.


Hey Wojak, welcome to OG. You set up seems fine, as long as it brings you joy, covers your bud needs, all is well.
I’d encourage you to see the great threads, like making your own bug juice, once n done thread.
Or the powdery mildew eradication thread, on how to wipe it out of your space, if you have it, for very cheap, and very safe PM killer. It sort of stabs at all the milk, neem oil, LAB’s applications as wishful thinking. I used them all, once also.
A huge amount of solid gardening information treasure!!
Of course, tons of killer bud shots, and genetic combination, that make your head swim.
Enjoy your time here!!


Welcome to Overgrow! @Wojak

Wild looking grow; now that’s a jungle.:+1:



@Wojak welcome to OG. Nice looking grow. I’m a little jealous of the space, as someone who is rocking a single 4ft*4ft tent.


Welcome to the OG ,Nice looking set up man ,


Hi Webe, cheers mate, I will definately check out your recommendations. :+1:t2:
Up until recently the girls have only experienced low ambient temps, so no sign of spider mites just yet. ( gave em them a spray with Ed rosenthals zero tolerance before flipping just in case)
Fungus gnats so far have not been an issue this time around. So far only been watering every 3 or 4 days.


Thankyou man, no doubt your tent grow gets more attention & care than my jungle. :slight_smile:


Ty Gpaw, access is a little rough!


Thanks, happy to be here and learn from everyone. :facepunch:t2:

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Thats awesome, there so much expeirence and helpful people on here ,u can t go wrong.If u ever need anything DM


Looking nice dude! Nice variety of cultivars to try as well!

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Nice! I appreciate that. :pray:


Thanks dude, the goal is to eventually find some keepers I’d be happy to breed with for my own fun. like many on here I guess, I can’t stop popping seeds. “Gotta grow em all” :joy:


1 week into flower cycle, cleaned up a bit, mopped the floor, trimmed off some small sucker branches, got rid off some plant matter around bases. have not seen too much stretch just yet. ( besides the apple crumble, that things been real light hugger even in veg)
1 specific Bubblebomb has always looked to be the happiest out of the bunch.
I have 2 lights with canopy under netting & 1 light with no screen, just letting them go.
Everything in my garden was topped very early, I am keeping things very simple & have only ever fed with bio diesel A+B + the liquid bat shit (can’t remember what it’s called right now.)
Individual pics are of Durban, Goodshit & bubblebomb. IMG_9754


Preparing for the next run. I have a lot of cuts of everything currently in flower, gotta keep the bases covered.
But to leave some heavy dayze genetics in the packs, is something I just cannot do. Very excited to see what I get here.


Hey OG’s, I’m back to post into the void! But even if no one really sees this, it will come in handy for reference. So here we go, 2 weeks into the 12/12 the beautiful chaos is starting to happen.
Seen a lotta stretching from the BUBBLEBOMB’s & GOODSHIT this week.

Everything in flower looks healthy so far.
Thought I’d post my veg tent also, cuts and seeds of all ages reside there. Given I haven’t grown out anything yet I have not decided on my keepers, hence the un manageable current numbers. ![IMG_9808|375x500]

I will add the dehumidifier into the room when buds have formed a little more.
That’s it for week 2
Any comments, criticism, thoughts, suggestions all welcome. Cheers



End of week 3 flower report. Added a few more strains into the veg tent. … Dos si dohs, GSC,
OG Kush, Kyphi, Lane cove. Blackberry moon rocks, Gorilla Bomb, + a bunch of cuttings Durban, Bubblebomb, OHS, Somango, Goodshit, Silver surfer, Bubba Kush, Purple Kush, Purple Critical. & more I can’t remember right now.

Really happy with the sensi Durbans so far. Hope they finish well because they are a really nice plant to grow & don’t seem to mind being cloned. Pic of Durban cut repotted.

Probably doing too much area for these 3 mars hydros fc3000 to get max light coverage on everything but still happy with fitting as many girls in as i can.

Orange hill special smells beautiful, can’t really put my finger on it. Sweet, kind of like a passion fruit is best I can describe.

Shortest of everything I’m running is the Purple Kush.
The most stretch goes to the untrained bubblebombs.
No pests to speak of.
Had one of the bubble bomb’s start to make that leaf claw shape, a few hours after feeding. flushed with some plain old water and next day all back to normal. :+1:t2:
Room is totally crowded as expected.
Going to have to add some stakes later on & keep a real close eye out for bud rot down the line, but for now both those issues just feel like champagne problems.
Ok that’s it for this week. Thanks for reading :v:t2:
Pic: the jungle


Captains log end of week 4.

The search for keeper strains continues, although it’s hard to see the forrest for the trees at this point.
Stretching has settled down.
Added a dehumidifier and A/C unit.
G13 labs Apple crumble looking good, glad I have a cut of that one.


Flowering at 5 1/2 weeks.
Dutch Passion - O/Hill special

Sensi -Durban

Couple of free range Bubble Bombs -Bomb seeds

At the start of week 5, Added an old blurple led I had lying around to fill in an area that was not getting adequate coverage.
Recently plants are drinking a lot more and I’m now hand watering almost daily, as a result of this fungus gnats have stepped up their presence and so have the sticky traps.

My hands and arms being covered in sticky resin now a daily occurrence. Really didn’t miss that part, But all in all I am having a blast and everyday I cant wait to get in there & just admire.

Will take individual pics of all plants & strains when they are ready and cut out of the screen.