SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

no , I’ve been watching this play out since the beginning
It was wierd then and it is wierd now… that;s all you.
What bothers me is you put my brother shag in a position to have to apologize to the community … that isn’t cool.
To be honest I’m not really interested in these seeds but I was ready to give you garden space to increase them. Then I got tired of the waiting and the wierdness on your end and figured this I do not need.

Now I come back to the thread and after all the stuff shag did to make this happen and then San gives his time, grow space, consumables and risk , not to mention growing skills to increase these seeds and all of sudden the wierdness and exclusiveness is back and we have drama … at the start and at the end. It’s really too bad.

Don’t blame people for being confused and upset, it is the situation you created.
This increase should have happened in private if you wanted it to be exclusive to only those members who are nice to you. The impression given was that this would be a seed increase for the communityand so everyone followed this thread but it comes to the end and drama gets attached . You put my brother shag in a really shitty position and in the end he is apologizing to everyone on your behalf and that is probably what actually pisses me off and why I am posting this.
I get that Aficionado Mendocino beans are expensive and there is some prestige surrounding having those seeds. I feel that has played into the reasons for all this drama and exclusivity being expressed and I kinda saw that right from the onset. I did not appreciate getting basically publicly snubbed by you after I stepped up to do your seed increase.

So you complain about mean people and assholes… dude… maybe you are the problem?

I’m out. Said my bit , like it or not.