SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

Beautiful lady’s @santero


Cherry Cherry Ladies :laughing:

That’s gonna be a great project, San.


Cherry will take over the world


just clearing this up: @blueridge does not want me to share the pure line(s) :wink:
he does have his reasons and i won’t argue with him about that. although, i have
a different opinion about this (feel kinda used :rofl:) but he decides and i will do
what he asks. it was my idea and offer in the first place, so i’ll do as i said, guys.

blueridge will get the bulk of the pure seeds (just as announced in the beginning
of the thread
) and he will decide who he will take care of. that’s 100% his decision.

a few personal friends have some trufflez in their birds, but that’s all i can / will do.
please just ask blueridge for some, he will decide if you are worthy (to him) or not.
everyone else is free to ask me for crosses. i will share to everyone, no restrictions.


responsible approach!
much respect!


there’s a bit of a negative reaction (via pm’s) as if this was news. but it’s not.
we decided before starting the reproduction that people will have to ask him.

so, just ask him. there’s no reason (known to me) why he would refuse anyone.
if there’s any drama going on, then i am not involved and will always stay out :wink:

but hit me up for the crosses, i made them all for you … without restrictions.


But you’re keeping/giving out the crosses tho?

What all did you make here anyways? Hard to keep track :sweat_smile:


err … not really, lol :slight_smile: but good that you ask.

beans from the repro → ask @blueridge.
crosses i made → can be asked from me.

sorry for any confusion :woozy_face:

please don’t be shy and just ask if there is anything unclear still.


Thanks for the announcement @santero
I am sorry for all the drama.
I do take the blame for the lack of information, that was my responsibility and I dropped the ball.:grimacing:
Please forgive me, everyone.

If anyone has questions about these pure trufflez beans please post them in the thread in link below.


Oh it was THAT grow. I lost touch with the thread, didn’t know it got completed. Thanks for the effort @santero, the seeds and effort @Blueridge, and the heads up and clarification @shag!


I’m glad to finally see this. I think I left right as this started and missed everything. I’m gonna have some reading to do now lol

Thank you so much for continuing this reproduction ! It is appreciated :green_heart::seedling::herb::evergreen_tree:
@Blueridge & @santero :raised_hands:


We started this project in Jan '23

Thanks again San…


oukay then … so, in the end there is no change, lol.

blueridge gave green light for everyone to have some trufflez, so
i will do the 2nd half with the lines i mentioned before, as planned.

no worries, i’ll start a new thread for the next step …
there’s no need to make everybody heads smoking :crazy_face:


disappointing I guess. I would not have agreed to such terms so in the end it is good that I bowed out of this project.
I rarely message people to ask for seeds, nothing to do with thinking I might not be worthy LOL… it’s just not really my thing.
This has been an interesting thread though and big props to @santero for everything he has put in to this project. A new thread will be great for the San Cherry projects. Definately interested to see what comes of those. I have several cherry themed lines I should get into myself but I dove down the Aficionado Long Valley Royal rabbit hole last year with a 40 seed pop and came up with an amazing stud I am using in outcrosses that are being grown out right now. Fun times :wink:


I never said I wasn’t sharing @santero if it means that much to you have at it but I posted one time and had a bunch of people jumping my shit and I wouldn’t share anything with them. Balls in your court buddy I will walk away with nothing and be fine and no hard feelings. My question is a open pollination and only popped 6 seeds you were going to run the rest later? I understand you reproduced them. No worries I sure everyone will enjoy them. :v:


Lol you got one side my brother but this is exactly what I was talking about. Lol



i have specifically said that there is NO reason
for anyone to assume you would sit on them (!)

(stop trying to find reasons to make me look negative, ey! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

and of course i don’t pop them all at the same time.
i would not throw all eggs into one basket, so i split
the repro in two parts ect.

it’s all reported here, man … stop acting surprised.
everyone else reading along understood what i am
doing here, lol.


the seeds are ready to fly now, so i did hit you up asking for an adress to do
what we agreed upon. i even let you know (again) that i am absolutely game
to try and send you clones of the plants i grew, as well as some pollen.

but you were already into this weird fighting mode :rofl:
possibly because you were fighting with others behind the scenes?
(why would you drag me into this? :man_facepalming: i AM doing you a favor here, lol.)


ah well, at least you decided for these to be shared out now.
all of this is kind of unnecessary drama, bro.

you are welcome, btw !
(wtf?! lol)


that’s your decision, mate … fine by me *shrug *

asking for work, effort, love, time and money spend to make this reproduction
and then instrumentalizing it, using it as a revenge-lever to accomodate a petty
internet drama-session, while trying to sell all of this as an “OG-spirit thing” …
(dude, people can see you !)


we did let him decide completely alone
and this is his explicit and sole decision:

so, much ado about nothing …
just hit me up in case you want trufflez or a cross :wink:


I have Snow White’s Cherry (Snow White x SSDD).


no , I’ve been watching this play out since the beginning
It was wierd then and it is wierd now… that;s all you.
What bothers me is you put my brother shag in a position to have to apologize to the community … that isn’t cool.
To be honest I’m not really interested in these seeds but I was ready to give you garden space to increase them. Then I got tired of the waiting and the wierdness on your end and figured this I do not need.

Now I come back to the thread and after all the stuff shag did to make this happen and then San gives his time, grow space, consumables and risk , not to mention growing skills to increase these seeds and all of sudden the wierdness and exclusiveness is back and we have drama … at the start and at the end. It’s really too bad.

Don’t blame people for being confused and upset, it is the situation you created.
This increase should have happened in private if you wanted it to be exclusive to only those members who are nice to you. The impression given was that this would be a seed increase for the communityand so everyone followed this thread but it comes to the end and drama gets attached . You put my brother shag in a really shitty position and in the end he is apologizing to everyone on your behalf and that is probably what actually pisses me off and why I am posting this.
I get that Aficionado Mendocino beans are expensive and there is some prestige surrounding having those seeds. I feel that has played into the reasons for all this drama and exclusivity being expressed and I kinda saw that right from the onset. I did not appreciate getting basically publicly snubbed by you after I stepped up to do your seed increase.

So you complain about mean people and assholes… dude… maybe you are the problem?

I’m out. Said my bit , like it or not.