SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

You seem to be the one causing some drama atm bud. Santero is a solid dude. He hasnt done anything but create great seeds for the community. Your friend got himself banned with their words/actions. I hope you can relax a bit and turn the temperature down and enjoy the positive things about OG cause they are many.


my name got dragged back into this… I did not insert myself in the thread to cause drama. far from it. I came into this thread because my name was tagged and shots were taken at me. If I did the same with your name in a thread I would fully expect you to show up in that thread to defend yourself No?

I wish no drama to be caused on this site by me. I have tried to fit in on this site but I am an outspoken individual who sometimes has difficulty biting thier tongue when they see bullshit. If anyone remembers… I was the first guy approached to do this seed run. I had to back out because decisions were not being made fast enough for the time line I could fit the seed increase into. It was simply a logistics thing for me but my backing out was perceived as drama…I moved on.
I stayed away from these threads to avoid the drama, I’m not even following this thread or signing up for the seeds here… but yet my name keeps getting dragged back into it. This time for a comment I made among friends on a completely different website…
Like me or not… whatever… I’m not playing silly games with people. I am just here for the cannabis… If you don’t want my posts or opinions in a thread… don’t tag me or quote me… it’s that easy. If you are truly a person who has a real reason not to like me… use the bloody ignore function. I don’t mind. :wink:


San I have to say - really enjoyed your contribution to the summer season’s run.

I popped 4 Trufflez seed soon after they landed, by the end I had one good female and 2 good males. I don’t remember what happened to the 4th.

From my memory - they were the most stinky plants of the lot in veg - the flower is quite pungent as well.

The lowers are holding f3 beans with 2 donor males.

I also ran the Slurpee Trufflez x Slurricane - I think I ran 6 and had 2 males I also mixed their pollen and used on some other ‘swamp’ plants. Here is 2 females on is crossed to the Trufflez male - the other I’ll have to double check the tag. Edit it’s f3’s - using 2 Slurpee males.


Nice! The first one looks kind of exactly like the clone I got :ok_hand:


ow yeah,
she looks like “beastie girl” :slight_smile:
the f1 #4 “trufflez” pheno …

it’s so great to see these grown out and being enjoyed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

also, making more seed = perfekt !!
please share them far and wide, so others also can enjoy them.


There looking awesome! Surely for an outdoor grow :100:


Lmfao … :roll_eyes:


Thanks for the peek into that lovely greenhouse and how great of you to pop em immediately! They look stunning!
Also nice the #4 shows in the F2s and you might get it locked in more with the F3! That’s just perfect.

Eternal gratitude for @santero (again)! Dunno what’s harder, dealing with the drama or reproing those seeds. Djeesh. :green_heart:

(Long ass) Edit: Also, seeing @Barrie84 's clone pop up made me think. The more F2s I pop, the more I’m starting to wonder how much holds up of the F2 story: Meaning, you F2 some beans from a pack of F1s and ‘open up the line,’ so you get everything up to the parents and further down the genetic history (granddads and grandmas) so you’re are able to make selections, making new lines. Same has been said about S1s.
I’ve been popping F2 repro packs for a while now and although that’s never been a field of 100 plants, I’m under the impression 2 parents bring out an expected progeny (as in 100% of one parent all the way to the middle 50/50 in between and then up to 100% of the other parent). Maybe there’s a weird runt or an outlier, but they seem like a normal genetic mix of the parents…


Hey man hope all’s well :metal:t2::purple_heart: just chiming in to let you know the trufflez over here are grand and one should hit flower in the next 4-5 weeks. My tent has been stalled up because I started too many seeds this summer but they’re in line!

I don’t normally swoon over a plants smell in veg but one of these two has a smell I’ve never had in cannabis before. I guess I’d call it cherry but probably more like syrup but it’s such a rich sweetness. I’m very excited. The other, taller pheno has less sweetness and more funk to it. The sweeter one will hit flower first. Thank you for the patience :pray:t2: