SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

indeed, let’s not waste time over negative BS from uninvolved people.

let’s get some more beans out :+1:
who wants some trufflez and trufflez-crosses ?? :slight_smile:

just hit me up via pm and get treated to blueridge’s
trufflez contribution (as i merely made the increase).


I think you already gave me the trufflez#4 and the Low Hung Fruit, so plenty to sow…

Many thanks for your generosity and keep the good work.


Nice! Thanks for getting these out to the community for all to enjoy. :pray:


Ow yeah that needs in my collection broski ^^ but let’s just wait for a few months :wink: so you can send me some Chocolate Rain too!


What other crosses did you make?


which ones did i already send over?
ah, who cares lol?

just hit me up via pm, mate :wink:


Hey, there went any respect or grace I had for @SHSC-1, it’s completely gone! :pensive: Very very disappointed! :pensive:

Well, I hope that he continue to keep to himself and leave OG for good. Having someone “just being there for seed sales” and then hating the place and the people who put time, sweat and tears into contribute to the thriving community, is the definition of NOT BEING REAL! Especially if the person play nice at one place and bitch like a princess at closed doors.

But I do agree on the part about @medmanbrand.

Good that you exposed who the real scumbags are behind closed doors. Unfortunately some of them are still here on OG.

Pz :v:t2:


Whooooohoooooo​:hot_pepper::fire::+1::fire::hot_pepper::+1::heart::heart::heart: Thank you so much brother For your hard work Your time your dedication To the overgrow community We love you brother​:heart::+1::heart:


There are many scumbags in this forum and not just for the matters talked about here. I left this place and returned four months later under the same handle because on the Central American Landrace thread there were both North American, but mainly spanish members making apologetic remarks about genocide and even talking about how we latin americans would be still wearing loin cloths if it were not for them (forgetting that we descend from all of those people involved). You can also see this in the international spanish forum where they very subtly talk about hybrid plants as bastard plants when addressing posts by latin americans like me and using that conversation to hide what they reall would like to say outright.

I would have never thought the main criteria here would be a commercial interest or that people involved with cannabis held supremacist ideas, even if they are used in banter. The world is the way it is. It is on these people to look inside themselves and reflect on their principles and values.

I give free seeds and even split the packs that I have from breeders. I dont give a fuck about money. I only like to see people happy.


That sounds like complete insanity! I’m so sorry that you have had to endure that type of behaviour from other people. I hope you let the moderators in the know of this type of unforgettable behaviour!

Pz :v:t2:


WTF is this shit now?
Slagging my name around?
I don’t even participate in this thread.
I stay in my sponsor thread due to the behavior of others and out of respect for the site.
I have watched this truffles thing from the beginning and you all can be duped by Santero and his supreme load of bullshit all you want.
Shag is long time online friend and this community fucked him over hard… because of Santero and his games with these seeds and then pretending innocence.

Anyways, I don’t really care… like me, hate me, LOL fucking highschool

The real reason I have retreated to my sponsor thread is there are so many fake ass motherfuckers. From sponsors like medman being allowed here to the people who try and scam me for seeds. To the buddies of other breeders who like to get there cheap shots in LOL

I don’t care about any of it anymore and decided to do my own thing and not step on anyone’s toes. To remove myself from all chance of drama… but here is more of it.

Santero is a bullshitting liar and he has used this community and his falsehoods to have a friend of mine banned from here. I don’t care what anyone has to say about that comment. I speak truth… This whole Trufflez thing has been a disgrace… everyone accepts Sans version because if you don’t you won’t get any of those precious trufflez beans… tell me I’m wrong.

fucking drama queens I tell ya.


stay calm, this may have been just a mistake by lonely.
try to keep your “i’m cool”-hat on for a minute, please :wink:

nah, you are wrong (lol) :slight_smile:

shag’s share is on the way and he absolutely
does not grasp reality one bit … = he would be the
very person i would exclude if you’d be right :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


here everybody can see clearly that you are very aware of me
not being either the source nor involved in any of the drama that
errupted while i was doing the repro.

so yeah …
you “said your piece”, big man. a few times now.
changing lanes each time :disguised_face:

shag is banned for the shit he said to moderators, btw :wink:
not because he had a wrong idea about what happened.
(but no need to try and explain how people get banned,
as you got your own ideas about how that works *shrug *)


i think you unintentionally mixed up shag and shsc-1 (?) :grimacing:
hopefully he has better control over his emotions, compared
to his little drama-buddy.

it’s “shoot first and then ask” with these people …
real “tough” guys :grin:


not playing these games man… but here is my point of view.

from my seat, you took what was supposed to be a seed increase for the community as an opportunity to take those high value genetics for your breeding program. Then you turned it into a drama gathering event and began playing games with shag and the owner of those 500 dollar a pack seeds. Your behavior began pitting members against each other and to take sides against Shag… the very guy that enabled you to get those precious seeds. it’s been a circus from the start and still is because you seem to need that spotlight and drama.
I’ve done a seed increase for this community with seeds sent to me by another member, grow and shipped out at my own expense (canadians and international) and I put the community first in all aspects of that seed increase. I also put the donor of the seeds first and ensured that above all else , they (pinetarbastard) were happy with how it all went down.
So when I look at this shit show… fucking drama from beginning to end and it still goes on.
I don’t care to comment much further and am not going to get sucked into this like you sucked in shag and all these good people here on OG.
If you think you have done all this with integrity and honesty… I just walk away with my mind blown and ask that from this post on, you leave my name out of it.

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my “breeding programm”, aha …
so, to you i am a commercial breeder that has a breeding pro-
gram and maybe even does everything just for money, correct? :grin:

well, …
your seat must be a cheap one, as you are not really
aware about what i actually do or how i go about it.

you don’t know me, mate … and that’s fine.
i could not assume everybody to understand who i am and what i do.
(as one can also only go from what one believes and/or is himself.).

but you are already getting things wrong, mate …
my concept is very clear, i share out 90% of what i create.
i would share 100% but can’t afford to send to everyone that
writes to me.

so, the lines that i send into shops are only up to help postage of
my free shares. i don’t assume that you will understand (or even
believe) something like this is possible, but yes i get like two or three
messages everyday asking for seeds … and i share for free, with
everyone (yes, also people that might doesn’t like me. i don’t care.)
i share always. never send anyone alway empty handed, if can help it.

first you went against blueridge, thinking it was his fault.
now you are jumping my leg, thinkiing i am the culprit.
sorry, but it’s your best buddy being a needlessly unaporachable idiot.

he started the last drama and now re-started the whole convo again
in dramatic way by calling me names and wanting hugs in return (:rofl:)

you’re simply wrong about your buddy and can’t see it.
that’s understandable as you have some drama with this site here
giung on yourself (which i am not involved in either !!), but channeling
your frustrations onto me is understandable, but still obviously wrong.


again, just to make sure this (hopefully) reaches you:
i am not a breeder, nor am i looking to get rich selling seeds.
so trying to argue with this is already showing you being wrong
about me in general …

maybe just ignore my posts and move on, like everyone
else (of importance) has already managed to do ?? :wink:


Just block each other and get it over with.

This has become very boring.


I really don’t care who did what to whom and now it’s just back and forth nonsense.

Shag, well, anybody who has been paying attention knows what I think about him.

@santero kindly offered to send me some of this seed and I’m appreciative but I’m still able to be objective.

It’s over. It’s done. Move on.


Well, I only reacted because of the guiding light he’s been and I’ve really looked up to @SHSC-1, so as I said, that comment was a real disappointment.

Dude, what you said goes directly against your actions and the wonderful things you have done for this community. I love OG, it have saved my life! When I joined I was at a really dark place in my mind and the loneliness of being a medical user in a illegal country really took its toll on me. OG was the only forum where I actually found real good honest people who love this plant as much as I do. So having someone trash talk this place, especially someone that I look up to, really hit a nerve… I’ll stay clear of you and your name in the future, I don’t want drama or being a abrasive prick… I’m just really bummed and disappointed by the actions and face you show because I thought you were something else. For that I’m sorry :pray:t2:

Moving on and out of the thread, don’t want to stir up things… Wasn’t my intention and damn poor judgement from my part, I’m sorry to all parts involved.

Pz :v:t2:


This situation has not been properly analyzed from the perspective of the legal obligations between the parties, so I will reproduce my post reflecting on the matter.


As a lawyer, all I will say is that if you change your mind about an agreement and do not comply with was agreed, the other party does not have to comply with their obligations. Hence, if the repro was for the community and he understood that he was supposed to give you back all reproduced seeds as long as the seeds were to be distributed to the community and then you, as the other party, had a change of mind midway through his process (I suspect their fangs grew long after witnessing the demand from the community), meaning he was already complying with an obligation to do the repro, then Santero was not obligated to give you any seeds from the moment on he came to know that your mind had changed. He was supposed to do that if you kept your obligation to distribute it to the community and had not communicated something else after obligating yourself to distribute it to the community.

What was the cause of this change in your obligation to distribute the seeds to the community?

This analysis touches on the basic nature of reciprocal obligations. When one fails to comply the other is free to not comply until the other complies or to return the thing (something which could not be done since the original seeds had already been used for the repro).


I have gotten seeds directly or indirectly from both of these guys. Please, let us remind each other that this platform is not the best to interpret meanings, feelings, or intentions. If we were face to face, or if people fully understood what they have consented to or not, a lot of these misunderstandings would not happen.

Lets chill. We are good people here in general.


Yeah, let just move on, now that Saint Shag had its beans, as he ain’t someone of drama some say, we won’t hear from him anymore. Gregarious behaviors don’t lead anywhere anyway.

Wise thing to remember, perfectly summed up! Though sometimes it can go way worst IRL too :laughing:


Wow this thread took a left turn

Can we get back to truffles please

I’ll be running a truffles cross ( but not sure what one they all look good ) and the madian

( I just laughed out loud when I read that one lol :joy: thinking it should be a line in a Mel brooks movie like men in tights)!

Larrian cross from your Larry run
Next go around
I thank you for all your hard work on this seed group
It shows real commitment to what you do
Peace ( not a fan boy just a friend)
I too like make seeds and give them away as well

It’s a great feeling when people grow your hard work

Truffles and more truffles even more truffles



Let us get back to the Truffles, please. :pray: