SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

Hello ! I’m looking to work with Maui Wowie Cherry Bomb 79’ I’ve been looking for it like a madman. I was able to get sebrings primate og herm seeds. I will probably start working with them after I finish this run.

I emailed Mr green genes company a few weeks ago. While they did get back to me once they didn’t get back to me again and had offered me to buy them for 2$ a seed min 25$ purchase. They said some things along the lines that he was able to get some back from swami. It’s been some weeks since I’ve heard from them and I emailed them for the third time an hour ago in my last hopes to be able to get those.

While paying 100$ to swami is doable, I don’t have the 100$ to purchase them and recreate seeds.

This project sounds awesome and I wish you luck if I a get lucky I’ll def make some more and spread them here.

You can also see how committed I’ve been to finding them. It’s on my profile lol


wow … 2$ a seed (!) is a really good price for swami’s.
i’d go for it immediately, if was really desperate to find them.

i was shared some “cherry bomb” via @purpleclouds

sadly i don’t have contact to him anymore and dobn’t know
what his source was … we will see when the plants show.

the proof is in the pudding, not in the name, right? :wink:


monkey fruit is out … time to pot up those plants.
gonna make a little update again tomorrow :slight_smile:


i didn’t forget you guys …
i am wating for the mainspace to get cleared.

… just a few days.
enjoy your smokes :wink:


Awesome :cherries: project you have going here broski. I was going through my stash and found a pack of those Blackcherry Pie’s you were looking for. I’m happy to donate them to the cause, and even found an extra pack of CPKB f2 that I will throw in for good measure. Dropping them in the post asap. :slightly_smiling_face:


@j0ebob that is an awesome addition to the lineup!

Pz :v:t2:


holy moly :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:
indeed, that is a very crazy-good addition …

the second run of trufflez-repro will absolutely KILL it !!

i am about to pot up these sexed ladies and gents and prepare the seedrun :wink:
we have three ladies & three gents showing. update will be up in a short while.


ok, full disclosure, lol …
i had a little scare over here → my landlord inspected the appartment to check
newly installed heating-elements. god bless my neighbour told me … so lucky (!)

this stalled the project for a tiny bit,
but now i am back on track :slight_smile:


ok, after 8 weeks of veg they finally jumped into the final pots and will be flipped soon.
some of the small ones were too long in their little shoes :crazy_face: but ah … they’ll recover.

it’s 16 ladies that will be hit by the three males.
there is trufflez (3 ladies), cherrytini (one lady), sherbert bubba, cap junky,
white cherry truffle f2 (fem), mendobreath f4 (marcel’s cut), cherry puff f1 #7
bakedwell pheno, sour diesel ibl 2006 riri cut, z-cube, lemon bundt cake …
err … dosilato … and more in there. (can’t remember the rest, lol *stonedSAN *)

aaaand we have three gents :slight_smile: here are the boys …

they are already prepared to join the girls after a week’s headstart in flower.
left one (#2) is my favorite ( → he smells of sweet cherries when handled).

i’ll take out the dames and let them catwalk for you up and down before flip :wink:


Damn. Can’t wait for this shit to be over. Good to hear nothing happened.


I’ve been in these kind of situations way too many times, and it never fails to get the heart racing…Glad to hear that you are safe and everything is okay.

And nice to see the “bakedwell” cut also made it to the party.:partying_face: Wasn’t sure if you were still holding her. I still have a few of your “Chocolate Puff” that I need to get around to sometime.:slightly_smiling_face:


So that’s why you’ve been quiet lately. Fsck landlords! How did you manage? Did you have to move all that shit around?

What a melting you’re doing right there :laughing:


Damn! That sounds very stressful. I hope you are having a good time now, when it’s over. :v:t2::v:t2::v:t2:Sending good vibes from the Kush tents over here in Sweden.

Pz :v:t2:


yeah, i had to do a little midnight-operation … ninja-style, haha.
clandestine tippitoes, cherry smelling hallway, nervous san :crazy_face:

(meanwhile my elephant-noise making wife helping out too, haha.)

but all went well …
karma is on my side ! :wink:
i am never really worried (!)


Must have been a fun but stressful op. Glad it went well!


now, i can chill until things start to get really interesting :slight_smile:



@j0ebob just looked it up “Chocolate Puff” man sure sounds like a great strain to grow !!!


man that good to hear it all went well !:slight_smile:


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Your still married after that comment or she doesn’t read the forums :flushed::joy:.
Happy everything was safe and only minor hiccups


vieleicht hat er zu hause schon mit dem Nudelholz ein drüber bekommen für den Spruch!! :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

maybe he got already a good beating ! :rofl: :sweat_smile:


:joy::joy::joy: I was thinking that :heart::heart::heart: