Searching for bog sour bubble

i am searching for sour bubble i cant find anywhere ive been in game a long time and they are not online only place is seedsherenow but there only running sweetcindy and sour bluetooth anyways i love bog and sour bubble and would like to run it again and have it in my line to keep rip bog if there is anyone out there hit me up who knows i may have something you want

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Welcome to the site! If you haven’t already head to the introduction thread and say hi to everyone.

As for Sour Bubble we have a member who’s doing a preservation run on them at the moment.


Welcome to OG @WEEDyHERBALS , Sour Bubble seeds should be good to go in a couple months or so.


ok doug whould love to have some at this point i would give my left arm. i will make it a point to fallow what your doing and when your ready i would love to be on the list of peolpe to be apart of the sour bubble you have

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slick1 thanx for the info man i will go say high now

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No worries bud, here is the link to that journal. Should be a signup going up once plants are sexed. Also got one going on for BOG Grape Punch which will be hit with Sour Bubble pollen to make some Sour Grape seeds :slight_smile:


I picked up a pack from seeds here now recently. Any specific gen you looking for?

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f3 would be best but at this point any would be loved by me so just let me know what we can work out

Sour Bubble by BOG Seeds - Strainly

thanx for the link brotha never used strainly but will give it a shot

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I did not think they released any Sour Bubble since BOG’s death?

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I use it often. Unfortunately I do not know that person. Those bog seeds are real easy to copy. Did the come in 14 packs originally? Does that label match what it should be like exactly?

Buyer beware, but it could be OK too. :slight_smile: God speed lol

ya the packs right im deff gonna get them thanx again. and once i get my situation right ill start posting pics for you guys.

and to you doug hear his son took over but have not seen them try to push any seed for a while until about a month ago on seedsherenow they just got the sour blutooth for 13pk for 210.00 other than seedsherenow his son has not made any noise anywhere aboout the breeding but that said ill order these seed anyways :grin:

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I have been watching the drops. There have been a number of them. Just have not seen Sour Bubble. Either way I am glad to have the BX3 growing now as it seems to be even harder to find. My next run is going to be BOG Lifestar and Blue Kush. After that will come Sweet and Sour Cindy. Going to be buried in BOG for a while :slight_smile:



Hey bud if your using seeds here now use the discount code on Bog seeds availability page. Then paying with cash saves you another 10%. Stack those discounts.


That’s awesome, I was not aware they released any, super cool brother.

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Seeds here now is the only legitimate vendor. Bogs son has continued the lines. And thank the heavens for that man :sunglasses:.

Just sent in my money order for a pack of sour bubble today actually. Sadly they are out of stock now but others are still available.


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