BOG seeds Sour Strawberry

Peace All. I have been off of the forum for quite some time becuz of living conditions and have finally gotten to posting against well as trying to grow. I have been following along with many topics but 1 that is not spoken about anymore is the group buys that had happened. I had been a part of the BOG seeds group buy awhile back and have yet to get those beans. I know High Glass took alot of ppl so I read and I was also on the Tony Green RIL buy. I wasnt even able to pay and didnt get to get in on that either, although I hear many didnt get them? Anyway, I was wondering is there any1 that had info on where I can get the beans that I couldn’t get with Hugh? Sour Strawberry in particular. The RIL is still out there and can be bought easily if U look but of course not like was gonna happen with the @Tonygreen thing. Info any1. Peace and thanks in advance.
Stay safe be healthy and Grow Hard :fist:t5:


Hey 7 good to see you again!

Yeah, that whole ‘Hugh Glass’ cluster F*ck left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. It looks like the earlier transaction was probably ligit (I’ll know when I run the SS :laughing:).
There’s several BOG grows going on right now & I expect we will be seeing some beans in the spring box.
I ran a couple of the SS last spring for head stash (from @Daytripr69) and they were marvelous. I plan on doing some sort of project with them in the future.



I’m currently flowering 11 small female f2s to replenish my stash and will very likely have some to pass around and I still have an original 13 pack I plan to f2 early 2022. 5x5 tent+ 1000w and all that.

I know CADMAN and maybe one more are making seeds too. OG will make it happen!


Peace. Thanks for the responses. And thank U for the welcome Gpaw. OG is the place to be always. I trust I will run into some of the strains soon as U say there are a few grows going on. I saw 1 but gonna keep an eye out. I just wanted to get that SS cuz of the description. No expectations or experience on it tho. I wanna know about and get it if all phenos are that strong on the Strawberry Terps tho. Just like the Cherry Queen from Bodhi. I got a pack but refuse to run it until I get another cuz the reports are stellar on it and it’s just what I want. Strong fruit Terps. Peace be well All. :fist:t5:


Getting the lab prepped now for some preservation runs. :alien:


Anyone reproducing bog seeds I’d like to set up trades with yall. Want more bog


Peace All. So… has any1 run across the strain yet? Saw a listing on Strainly for like $400 or so cant recall cuz it was immediately written off, lol. I know that ppl have said that there is some f2s floating around here yet I have not ran into any1 yet so I ask again. Thanks for reading… Be safe,

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Hey @7ANJA7OD I like the avatar, kinda like mine. I’m diggin the imogis (sp?), Where did. You find them.


Peace @503BudMan (blackman I suppose) …lol. U were the inspiration for the avatar. It’s my phone wallpaper and when I saw Urs I changed. The emoji is just on the phone. I just change the skin tone to brown. Hold whatever and it show tones on Ur phone. Be safe :fist:t5:

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Thx for the imogis info never knew that. @7ANJA7OD yes I am of African descent. It’s good to know that my brothers and sisters (I hope) also share a love for this wonderful weed. Much love to you.



I’ve ran it, it’s very good, the pheno’s I got leaned to the Sour Bubble side.


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