Second grow and need help with pruning or trimming

I keep looking at the tubes and trying to get a visual scale. :thinking:
Are those T8s or T12s?
Have you got a source for replacements?


There T-12s and I can getem at Lowe’s for about 8 bucks for one

And we do have a phototron tag Aplausos|nullxnull, amazing invent, last time I saw something similar it was a shower with jets coming from all the columns and above …

Your plant looks great, I just pull leaves from time to time but mostly because of humidity and airflow, glad you feel comfortable among us … beer3|nullxnull

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I’m going to try and expound on my earlier post. First I suggested that you train your plants early on, reason being for airflow and to make each budsite more productive. Secondly I eluded that you could trim up to 20 or so days into flower, not directed towards topping or the likes. Just generally cleaning out the non productive foliage.
As far a science for backing my theory is where I get off, meaning I’m not about to do all of the research to prove a point. It’s pasted all over any Google search how far along and how m much to prune at any point in a plants life term.
That post that I made was my attempt a being helpful not looking to debate the subject. I’ve been using this method of growing for decades and find that a well trained plant is more productive, and if you practice this you’ll see an increase in yield.


I appreciate your help and input on my plant and I wss talking about how to bend over the top and tie it down to a side of the plant and it’s just a little overwhelming for me only being my second grow and I had been in veg for 7 weeks and I have a very woody n robust stalk and PhilCuisine mentioned that I can still bend it just have to use a pair of pliers and soften up the area and my biggest concern & question is how to determine where to do the bend and do it asap? Also I am glad that you decided to just keep on subject and not getting into a debate about the time-line for trimming and you’re right about it growing tighter buds. Plus everyone has there own methods to what works best for them and we follow basic recommendations given.


You still have time…you’re still less then a week of your flowering mode…I would leave it alone for now and think about bending it when you’re 1.5 wks. into flower…that’s what I would do…

This Sunday my grow would’ve been in flower for 2 wks. and I’m thinking of bend it then…I don’t prune or take fan leaves off unless its blocking a bud site.