There was a lot of great suggestions popping up and this could be a good place to keep track of these ideas. Please be kind to your neighbor as he should have the voice you have. I think some very bright articulate conversations will come of this and maybe a few opinions will be changed. Just remember, be kind to your neighbor !!!
We are going to need some threads combined.
I got to say first message @Sbeanonnamellow is really growing on me lol… very bright articulate excellent gardener. Speaks very well and has an excellent OG track record. Let’s give everyone a chance. Some of The topic points suggested were definitely worth conversation !!!
I miss being able to read flagged posts.
From what I understand, multiple people have to flag for it to take effect, but I kinda doubt that’s the case given some of the threads ive seen.
I’m not sure how I feel about showing who flagged a post, but I think it’s a system that can be problematically exploited.
Flagging is passive aggressive nonsense perpetrated by the illiterate.
Hopefully this doesn’t get locked too, jeesh can’t even have a conversation around here.
I’d say unless something is really egregious like actual harassment, doxxing or obvious trolling, then it shouldn’t be flagged.
Agreed for the most extreme of ciscunstances.
Otherwise it is just a form of censorship.
I would flag this post but I’m not a tool.
I can somewhat appreciate the whole keeping threads on track argument, not that I’m for flagging on that situation. But I think it’s very reasonable to at least allow the flagged posts to still be read in that situation.
Maybe there should be two different types of flagging, one for egregious violations (doxxing, etc), and another because people just have their panties in a bunch about how germane a post is, where those posts can still be read. And abusing the system by flagging the wrong way leads to some punishment of the flagger.
As I understand it flags make work for the mods and they have enough to do.
Use your English, or language of choice, don’t just cancel anything you don’t like. It’s lame.
I don’t like lots of things. They still deserve to exist.
Agreed, and these are the reasons I have flagged posts on certain threads (none recently, none from anyone in the big thread where this convo started)
And I expect I’ll have to do it again
Don’t know why anyone would have an issue of posts being flagged when it’s for reasons like these
That’s the problem, many of the posts being flagged were simply off topic, there was nothing being said bad about anything or anyone, just simple banter.
There was about 20 or so flagged posts for this reason alone.
This forum is about Cannabis, should every post not related to Cannabis be flagged?
Potato salad (let’s see if it gets flagged)
Ten characters
I used the word illiterate.
Flag all you like if it makes you feel good about yourself. I see a backlash coming.
Ten characters
All these flagged posts were stirring up drama? I doubt that.
Many were just off topic also…… and you still flagged them.