How many posts of yours in the last 3 days could be considered spreading FUD and causing a raucus onsite? Cuz I count alot…
I stated that my ban was hastey… Also noone on this site needs to have foil hats scaring them off. This was a great place to be until people like you started acting as if they are entitled to information that doesn’t exist and spreading things that aren’t true…
You wanna cause a radical uprising and topple the leadership at OG? You may take a number cuz there’s a suuuhuper long line of foilier users that are currently waiting for their turn to spout off another conspiracy theory…
Funny… Round about this time a couple years ish back, the same thing happened… When the great Colonoscopy and his gang of foily folk started calling us white supremacists and so on and yada yada…
Things like this have to happen every now and then to weed out those lovely little weed goblins that should’ve just stayed under their bridge eating goats…
There’s things that trigger it, like closing a thread for instance, will pop up the system. Check out the link I posted, it lists exactly what the system does.
All these various forum softwares are just little rooms with varying permissions…There is no such a thing as a “private message” They can be read, they can be scanned and filtered by anyone with the correct permission level.
How does that link show how “system” shows up in Private Messages?
All I saw when I clicked on several of the results that pop up with your query is the threads that the system automatically closed after 180 days. There might have been other results, but I didn’t see them.
That’s all I seen when I clicked it as well. But the threads im referencing are newer and were never closed so still confused as to why system is their.
The posts here lately that I believe you are referencing have been made out of concern and safety for the community.
In a discussion regarding the fact that things have changed here recently, the topic was brought up several times regarding the fact that this site is on a shared server, with several people stating that there is no way that this site could be on a shared server, etc., so I simply pointed out the truth while outlining how I discovered the information. When I pointed to the registration of the other site on this server, several people attacked me and said that there is no way of knowing that site is also owned by Joe, so I pointed out the fact that the other site was indeed owned by him. I do not see how this is FUD, I am simply helping to clear up misconceptions.
I haven’t had a cell in 6 years . But ya those and just being online at all ,means you are being tracked. Without going to great lengths there is no actual privacy online.