Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi F2 Blue Tara **Closed**

Very nice @SamwellBB


Just saying hello to a fellow O H I Oan from the mistake on the lake!


Ope, hey there. Cleveland rocks!


Alrighty folks, it seems we’re back on track with Blue Tara. Just received the beans from the ever-so-gracious @PlantShepherd! I’ll be soaking them in just a couple weeks time.

There are 6 original Blue Tara F1’s and 11 F2’s that he made. My plan was to pop all the F1’s and hope for good M/F ratios, and then just breed all the F1’s together in an open pollination. Obviously we’ll have to see what comes up first.

I was also going to pop at least 6 of the F2’s, but there’s so many options. I’m interested to hear what others may think. I could keep them separate and breed the F2’s all together for (F3?). Or mix and match with F1 gen depending on the plants themselves. @PlantShepherd, do you have any pics of the plants used to make these F2s?


Awesome! best vibes, bro!


best vibes, bro!²

I would use F1 males to pollinate everything else :pray:


Awesome! I think it really just depends on your germ rates and m/f ratios. Best case I think would be F1 open pollination. It would be cool to do a back cross (not sure if that would still be the correct term) at the same time too maybe. Keep the F2 females and hit em all with the F1 males at the same time as the F1 females.


I agree with using the f1 males to pollinate all / the rest but keep them separate - the f2s and the f3s (are the f2s crossed to f1s f3s or f2s or f2.5s ? what are they ? Bx f2s ? )


This is exactly what I was thinking. I used a random male and female from the first six seeds to make the F2’s. I think we should keep F2 females, and only use F1 males. Then keep the seeds separate. This way we can have open pollination F2’s and some bx/f3/ whatever you would call that. They are old seeds, so we will have to see what germinates.

@schmarmpit I don’t have picts of those parents - at least I don’t think I do, but I’ll double check. Thank you again for running these. This is a really special cultivar imho and I’m excited to see it preserved. :v:

Edit: looks like a few people said the same thing about the pollen to use. :thumbsup:


SPLASH! Let’s do this. Hoping for good germ rates. I’m using all the F1s (of course) and all the F2s as well. Let’s see what we get!


OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! This was the first strain of Bodhi’s I ever got to smoke. At first it didn’t smell like what I was use to, but after the high hit, I was sure happy I’d smoked it. :grin: A great strain for sure!


That sounds like a hell of an endorsement. I’m excited, too.


After 24hrs all seeds had sunk and were placed into paper towels in baggies. I then set them on a seedling heat mat on low.

Another 24 hours after that and all F1 and F2 seeds had tails! It was clear that the F2 seeds had much more vigor since 6/10 had close to 1"long tails on them already.

The F1’s were much slower and all had very small tails in comparison. One was especially sad looking with cotyledons already exposed in pure white premature fashion. Let’s pray for that one. I was just surprised I didn’t have to resort to sanding or anything more advanced to get the F1s showing.

I didn’t want any of them to linger in the paper towels any longer. I’ve germed plenty of old seeds before and they always seem to halt in the towels after too long so I figured soil is best anyway. All 16 seeds are now in the dirt and I hope to see them again in the next day or so.


This is gonna be a nice read along


Nice Job man! Glad they seem to be germinating ok. Super stoked you are running these! Thanks again! :v:


Do you recall what the smell/flavor resembled?


None of the smells overwhelmed any of the others, but it was a little sweet & fruity (mostly berry) with a touch of earthy undertones


We’ve got 100% germ rate! They sprouted and are now green above the soil, even the premie F1 that de-shelled itself in the towels. Great job storing those seeds, @PlantShepherd. We’re off to the races!


Heck yeah! I can already smell the blueberry funk coming your way! Great job germinating those! :slight_smile: :v:


9 days later and the runts are showing themselves quite clearly. Luckily only 1 of the F1’s looks to be stunted. But I’ll wait as long as they need to turn around. No plant left behind!