@ReikoX where do you send off for your sex testing (BTW I graded your last test, and you got F’d. . .Good job lol :wink: )

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Whwn breeding, What real advantage do you get by knowing the sexes early ?

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If I can identify the sexes early then I can plant all the females into the 4’x4’ planter and pamper them with all the possible space they can get. Then I can take the males and plant them into 5 gallon smart pots in a different area. When it’s time to pollinate I’ll just run each male out to the girls and shake him all about.

I want to do it this way for a couple of reasons. The first is that I’ve witnessed, and read about, plants being far healthier when they planted together in the same soil. All the plants, cannabis and clover in my case, work with the mycorrhyzal fungus to provide each plant with what it might be lacking.

The second is that I believe the ovary possessing plants (our females) are passing on their methylation of the epigenetics to the resulting seeds. Methylation coding for the epigenetics of a seed are transferred ONLY by the mother plant and therefore I want it to have as little stress as possible. Studies have shown that reduced stress in mother plants (all organisms coded by DNA in fact) can result in a reduction in previous stress induced methylation of the epigenetics and it prevents further methylation linked to stress responses.

A seed that has stress induced methylation is more likely to be primed for a life that will require it to survive increased environmental stresses. This causes the plant to produce chemicals that will allow it to survive those stresses, but also takes energy away from other things like the trichome production pathway.

It’s been a few years since I studied up on Evolutionary Genetics, so if anyone sees anything wrong in this summary please speak up! I love to learn new stuff so I have a lot of gratitude for people that teach me new knowledge :v:


I’ve done both the Phylos and the Steep Hill sex test kit. Phylos can be taken earlier, but the Steep Hill was easier IMO. Turn around time was about the same.


Thank you ReikoX! That’s exactly what I was hoping for.

I should have the tests in a couple days and hope to have results by the start of next week.
Finished dialing in the blumat carrots so the whole system is on autopilot once I get the seedlings into the planter.

Also moved the plants above the planter for the time being so that the clover can develop while I wait on sex testing. The seedlings are still so small that they only really need watered once a week at this point.


I like planning ahead for how I’m going to simplify my seed sorting. I’ve done a bunch of research and contemplated the full process, based on past experiences, and I believe the best affordable option for deseeding our finished plants will be to run them through a tumbler. Doing this will allow me to dry the plants, chill them and then tumble them to remove the trichomes.

Once the trichomes have been removed I can remove all the seeds that have fallen out, which should be most of them, and hand remove any stray seeds without fear of losing/ruining trichomes. As a bonus, the seeds should be lightly scarified without causing any damage to them! Our seeds don’t need to be resilient against the outdoor environment the way other seeds in a natural environment would, so early scarification shouldn’t be an issue.

I have a bunch of flower that I’ll be testing in it before we need it for doing SSDD seed separation and I’ll document that process on this linked thread so we can all see how it performs.

(I’ve asked LemonadeJoe to see if the linked thread should be merged with a similar one, so I’ll fix the link above if it’s needed in the future.)


if money is an issue… i’m not sure but there are rock tumblers for half that price or less from harborfreight tools, fyi.




The price was just low enough that I could justify it. The fact that I can dry sift all the flowers from past harvests and mulch the greens, saving a TON of space, definitely tipped the scale. I should receive it shortly.

How is everyone using the rock tumbler? Are they using it to dry sift & how are they modifying it to do that?


I was just thinking on the fly of what might work…the description of the rock tumbler says it’s also good for removing heavy rust from nuts & bolts(using an abrasive media with it), so it might be too violent (dunno :slight_smile: ) and certainly wouldn’t sift it but possibly get all the seeds out in a half a second. :smile:



Better get a good first run in, cause all that keif is gonna suck to clean out of it. Lol


Everclear to clean it and then you can make it into tincture (green dragon). . . Might have to figure out how to deoxycarb it first though


90 days in a cool dark place will do it automatically.


Really? I’ve got a quart Mason jar of green dragon that’s been sitting for months. Never got around to doing anything with it. Might reduce it and making Edibles if it’s already decarbed.


In my experience three months will do it. Try some of it and see if you get an effect?


Alright people, i have a gift for the people in here making it happen, the captain, breeder and donor of this run will receive a sewn patch of the logo for this project.

My gift to you guys, thanks.


I’m speechless @madscientist. Thank you!
I have the perfect hat for it!


I have a biker leather jacket with some BJJ patches on it, so am gonna place some on there, including these ones…

With all my pleasure gang!

Sci :robot:


Attention!:loudspeaker: Look alive in here, we’re about to do some SCIENCE :scissors::seedling::microscope::eyeglasses: :blush:

The post delivered my Plant Sex Tests today so I wasted no time in getting the process moving along.

I read all the instructions and gathered my instruments!!

I identify our first sample target, remove a single cotyledon, and place it on the proper corner.

Until I have all 4 samples for this card. (I’m cleaning the tools between each sample collection.)

Then it’s HULK SMASH time with the pestle, followed by removing any fibrous plant matter.

I finished collecting the rest of the samples, more smashy time, and they’re ready to be mailed back to Phylos

Our babies are all ID tagged and completely unphased by all the science going on!:muscle: :seedling:

~Remember, the only difference between f*cking off and doing science is that you took notes and measurements! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Our package is on it’s way, next day ground, and I’ve registered the shipment with Phylos, so they know it’s headed their way!


If you end up seeding it, let me know… SSDD has been a favorite of mine for a long while, and almost impossible to get here