This strain thrills me
There’s over a 100 people signed up for this one should it be closed? Or at least temporarily closed ? Not trying to be a stick in the spokes just trying to be helpful
We Should be all good man:+1:
Have you seen the last seeds this guy produced?
Yeah I was a little late to that party lol
Madness. Some of us cant afford to buy seeds often nor have an open market to acquire.
This is madness.
It’s about the norm now for around 100 members to be on these lists. I’ll pad the run to make sure I can support 200 plus members. Have no fear
You are the best, Senor @Mongobongo !
Dunno why you sound like you’re tripping lol why does one NEED to buy seeds often it’s as simple as not buying them. And if you can get seeds shipped to you from the members how do you not have an open market I’m sure plenty of places would ship to you
Not tripping. Ever really.
Yes im a member of a community with a market here @ OG. But i may purchase seeds once maybe twice a year. And the prices dont encourage bulk sales.
I meant its not as simple for some as it is others.
I was saying some of us enter the seed runs for many reasons. Not being able to afford to buy seeds is one(often or rarely etc).
But if you feel some way then ill withdraw.
Sorry if my close the thread was premature please don’t let my confusion hamper anything
Seriously, we’re a pretty cool bunch of stoners to hang out with. lol
This is a gonna be a good’ern! Thanks to everyone who is making it happen!
Let’s get back to business with an update
We got 9 sprouted but one is very deformed (back right) and I’m not sure if she will make it.
Very puuuurdy aren’t they?
They are really Purdy. Babies always make me smile
What generous place hopefully I entered probably ( new guy )
Thanks to a wonderful community
Anything else you would like help with @Mongobongo??
I think we’re all good. Thanks very much for the offer.
Just my high ass 2 cents again but I would do it off of read time or posts read. because honestly a lot of people lurk and that’s cool cause there here educating themselves. For instance I know how to grow weed, harvest , cure and most definitely smoke , but what I’m not as well educated on is genetic diversity inside a strain or how to breed a plants recessive traits into becoming the dominant traits. So I read as many post as possible in the breeders area I don’t have much to contribute on the subject so I try to absorb the info so that one day I can contribute on the subject.
Edit by Jellypowered: I left this, because while some of the post had to do with the logistics/cost discussion, there was also relevant discussion to seed runs in general.
Note: this is impossible. Recessive traits always remain recessive. However, I think what you mean to ask is how do you breed so that a recessive trait is manifested/expressed in the plants. It is more a matter of “breeding out” the dominant alleles for that trait from the breeding stock. It can typically be done in 3 generations, and it isn’t nearly as complicated as you may think (it gets much more complicated when you are attempting to isolate more than one recessive trait). Ask this same question in the Breeders Lab and someone (maybe me if I am quick enough) will show you how that is done.