Seed Run Co-op: Bodhi's Cheech Wizard **Closed**

If there does happen to be any movement on the tl2 or overflow list, I would love a spot.


Yeah it looks powerful, I like the idea, do you wear a nitrile glove whilst doing it?


i do, i wear tight as sh*t blue ones so i can see it and it comes off easier. if im lazy i freeze them and pull it off later.


I like this idea. I can never get it off of the gloves.


thanks, the freezing method I have done with the trim a while back as advised here


oh im not saying it makes it any easier, it just lets me put it off till later.
i find its easiest when its warm and sticky.
the technique i find works best for me is to use some sticky hash i already have and press it against the hash on the glove and rip it like a bandaid, start at one side and move across like you are removing tape, stick and rip stick and rip. it goes pretty quick once u get it going. i can get about 95% off now.


I donā€™t smoke at all! I started for the Hubbyā€™s Alzheimerā€™s and found pain relief for me so kept growing for me. Now I am learning to make seed because I love growing and donā€™t need all I grow.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Heeey , finnaly a bodhi genetic.
Exelent run.
But i miss that.
If you had some pack left at least , please let me know.


Hope these are coming along ok! :peace_symbol: :sunflower:


Andā€¦weā€™re back. Hope everyone had a happy holiday or just a good weekend if not in the US.


We drove out of town to visit family. It was a real whirlwind and there isnā€™t much of any cell service or internet that far out. Thatā€™s both a blessing and a curse in this modern worldā€¦ :wink: They say ā€œ5G? I canā€™t even figure out how to use the 2Gs I got now!ā€ lol

Well anyway, here we are at day 63F. Iā€™ll keep it short and sweet.

Whole Tent:

Pheno #7:

Pheno #8:

Pheno #9:

Pheno #10:

Pheno #11:

Itā€™s a busy week for me. The F2 seeds are all shucked but still getting sorted, then packaged, then shipped to @Sebring this week to get into the Fall Box.

:peace_symbol: :seedling:
:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Exactly where Iā€™m at. :frowning: I spent the weekend trying to figure out whether there are any phones I can buy that have actual 5G capabilities for less than $500, since Iā€™m with AT&T and theyā€™re forcing planned obsolescence on us. Any phones still using 4G LTE or lower will be disconnected from the network entirely in February. Iā€™m still plenty happy with the 4G phone I have, other than it turning into a brick for no apparent reason in two months! For that matter, even 4G doesnā€™t get service in my own house half the time, so Iā€™d rather see them fix the towers they have rather than pushing upgrades in the cities that Iā€™ll avoid ever visiting.

A labor of love, but still laborā€¦ thanks for putting in the hours during the holidays, and hopefully you can take a rest soon. :slight_smile:


7/11 looking up my structural alley hehe. Nice going Bruv


Iā€™m not seeing this at all. They are phasing out 3G only as far as I can tell. So most phones will still work, iphone6 and newer, galaxy s4 and newer, ect.


I may have to double-check, last time I was in the store the sales guy told me this. Maybe he was just trying to upsell? Stranger things have happened, I guess. That would be quite nice if I can save the money, though Iā€™d probably put it into the growroom instead. :wink: Thanks for the tip!

edit: Just looked at their phone list and mineā€™s not on it, though the model number one below it is. No idea why a H931 is fine, but H932 is junkā€¦ but obviously theyā€™re phasing out more than 3G support. I guess Iā€™ll give their customer service line a call to ask why, and register a complaint that Iā€™m being arbitrarily forced into buying yet another phone, as if anyone will really be listening.


Wow they look beautiful in the pics.
That short #7 and #11 are my favorite.

Hope you had a great turkey day.
I stayed home with the family and cooked a lil too much and ate way way too much.


Yeah, I even said,ā€Fuck a turkey,ā€ this year and cooked a chicken instead, but Iā€™m still like,ā€I think thatā€™s the last Thanksgiving Iā€™m gonna get into.ā€ Spending seven, eight hours in the kitchen, cooking all dayā€¦ Whatā€™s the point? Haha.

I do love me some stuffing and gravy, thoughā€¦


stuffing is the reason for the season. the wife and i last year werenā€™t able to spend it with family cause of the new baby and covid so i made a one pan thanksgiving meal that was :fire: it was basically smoked turkey and cranberries mixed in with the stuffing and baked in a pyrex pan. highly recommended.


Lol, same. Straight up Mac n cheese for me this year

Edit: great job Nube, those are some fine looking ladies! Very exciting


I am heading out for 2 weeksšŸ˜„


@nube what a great mix of phenos in there. Looking great and since youā€™re shucking, we know everything went well.

Great job!!! Iā€™m super stoked for these.