Seed Run Co-op: Bodhi's Cheech Wizard **Closed**

great to see you are back and everyone is well.


Lovely, lovely plants. The #7 Pheno looks like the SATORI Bat phenotype.


Yep, really nice variety in there! Just amazing how you can get so much expression from a bunch of seeds. This shit is so addictive! Lol


Man Iā€™m always late to the party. Iā€™m glad this is being preserved at least. Definitely one I would like to try eventually


Happy Holidays! Everything looks beautiful. I Still think #7 is my favorite but #11 is right there! I might have missed it but Iā€™ve been wondering why you have #8 in a smaller container? @nube, was it a slower grower?


Just like my own childrenā€¦ I love them all equally!!! But, shhhhh, #11 is specialā€‹:heart::heart::heart:

Great growi Nube!


Iā€™ll share, no problem. It took me a while to get back to this thread. Iā€™m trying to catch up right now.


That #7 does have a nice, neat, look. It has a completely different look than the others. Those leaves make it unique compared to the siblings.

Which pheno yielded the best?


Yes #11 looks top $ to me ,)


Apologies if this has been answered before, but which one(s) are you selecting for the next generation?



I think theyā€™re both good. Iā€™m curious to see how they smoke after harvesting this seedless run. #7 is gorgeous but pretty floppyā€¦here it is just last week at harvest day 56F from the sensi run:

@RoryBorealis whatā€™s the SATORI Bat phenotype? Is it a floppy plant that looks like a golfball og or has the cookies-esque structure of this one?

Iā€™m actually most excited about the #8 and hereā€™s why (@BlueSun check earlier in the thread about why this oneā€™s smaller, I explained what happened from the beginning if you go back and read the original posts) - so frosty, also harvested at 56F:

I agree with @Cormoran. Sounds like a cash grab to me! Forced obsolescence. Itā€™s not like they need the space on those towersā€¦Our 4G phones on AT&T are being shitcanned too, making us upgrade before the useful life of the phones has ended. More plastic/electronics to pay someone to ā€œrecycleā€ aka dump in the ocean. :frowning:

Likewise, my friend! :slight_smile: Spent it driving and didnā€™t overeat. Good weather!

As someone who cooks almost everything from scratch, cooking is meditation for me. And, as they say, Let thy food be thy medicine. Iā€™m gonna have to agree with @LegsMahoney that stuffing is delish when done well!

Nice, thatā€™s our plan over Christmas/New Years! Iā€™ll have to work for some of it while out of town, but not all.

Better late than never! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Impossible to say cuz this is a fully-seeded run. Even in the sensi run, the plants got flipped at all different sizes so itā€™s not apples-to-apples. Iā€™ve stopped caring about yields cuz I only smoke about a gram a week and give all the rest of my harvests away to friends for free or in trade for their handmade goods, but if I rerun them all from the same size/age clones Iā€™ll report back.

Iā€™m sorry, did I forget to mention this in the beginning? I thought I had said right in the first few posts I made, but I apologize if not. This is an open pollination F2 run - all of the plants youā€™ve seen so far are fully seeded except for the pics of #7 and #8 above of the sensi run. I got 5F, 4M, and all were used in the OP.


this hits with me. after my daughter was born i was basically useless, everything regarding her care fell to my wife, so i decided to take on all the cooking in the house to get her some relief somewhere. i found that i love doing it! (most of the time) and it is for sure a meditative experience cooking from scratch, most of the time.

this also sounds like me!!! :rofl: although i may go through more than a gram a week, not sure though, it isnt as much as im growing though thats for certain!


Thatā€™s really cool! I wish more peopled cooked from scratch, and not just out of a box (if at all). I had the great fortune of getting a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant while off dead tour in the 90s. I eventually learned to cook, and the rest is historyā€¦



I love cooking as a meditation. Iā€™ve also started to appreciate mindfully washing dishes (I tend to do that with a little aid from our favorite plant medicine).


i cant say its always from scratch, i made breakfast burritos this morning with bagged hashbrowns. but we are really lucky to live in a state where local organic food is readily available, like moreso than the mass market shit, so we do try to eat as cleanly and as close to home as we can manage. although i admit im quick to tumble for a candy bar or a bag of chips when im in the mood :grin:


I knew I saw this before and thanks for the response. I even commented earlier on my experience w/ the runts of the litter always turning out greatā€¦must be all the cannabis intake making me forgetful! :man_facepalming:


Yes! This is one of overlooked pleasures of the kitchen - nothing else matters while cooking, and the same with dishes afterward. Meditative.

The nurturing dimension of the kitchen is desperately overlooked in our pell-mell modern world.


Those dishes can really jerk you out of your zen at the end of the whole thing though right?? :rofl::rofl:


Yea, especially if ya drop one!


Ditto on the cooking. I love it when youā€™re doing a new recipe for the first time and it comes out great, ha. I made a southern style Yellow Squash casserole for Thanksgiving dinner at a friends house. First time making it and everyone loved it.