Seed Run Co-op: Bodhi's Cheech Wizard **Closed**



Great to see some fellow cooks out there. I too am very passionate about food and will never make something out of a box (typically… never say never haha sometimes we just need food. Now.).

I once spent like 2 months creating a donut recipe so that I would have it PERFECT for a dinner party. It blew my friends minds… I also make pizza on the regular. I’ve spent probably two + years working on my pizza dough and sauce recipes. Just experimenting…

Anyway, I totally agree about the zen thing. I love being creative with it and what’s better than eating something or feeding loved ones with food you’ve created?! Not too much in my books!


I love these little balls of potato goo with crunchy skin. Putting them inside a burrito is a genius move.


Wash them as you cook. That way, when you’re finished with your meal, you don’t have to deal with it. It’s done. I think it might be a little OCD, but that’s what I do. Love the feeling of finishing my breakfast or dinner or whatever and walking into the kitchen and there’s no dirty pots and pans to deal with.

I think that’s why I got all,”Fuck this…” on Thanksgiving, though. I was cooking and cleaning all at the same time haha. By the time the food was ready, I was like,”Alright, I’m over this,” haha, didn’t even eat until like four hours later, after a nap.


totally hear you! i try to clean as i go but inevitably i focus in so hard on the cooking that i forget to realize the mountain of dishes piling up until the end


Some of us had to learn out of necessity too. I enjoy cooking and smoking a joint while doing it. Lots of times the joint is just in my mouth unlit.

Cooking, weed and music playing always make a great time to me.


This is what I do!!! When food is served you can look at the kitchen and wouldn’t know it was just used! My mother in law cooks and one would spend an hour cleaning… everything used is laying in the exact spot it was used right next to what it was used for and half of the ingredients covering the counter! Lol

I may have some passive aggressive feeling toward this as I write it out!!!


I feel the exact same way. For me I find cooking extremely meditative and I love cranking some tunes and cooking. But the lead up to cooking is me doing all of the prep and putting everything away as I go, so that by the time everyone is done eating, the only dishes needing to be done are the ones people have ate off of. Same with cleaning, the kitchen is spotless by the time the food is ready lol.


@nube The SATORI Bat phenotype has a blunt top flower that tapers down the stem, looking like an upside down baseball bat. Your #7 pheno looks like a truncated version of that. I have grown SATORI several times, when I saw your #7, the bat phenotype was the first thing to come to mind.


It should be a law to wash as you go(jk of course)
But seriously,

It’s my biggest peeve, when my wife bakes and leaves every….single….dish dirty in the sink. Like cmon, you weighed a cup of flour and left the measuring cup in the sink? :roll_eyes:
But for Thanksgiving, I literally washed all the dishes, considering I didn’t cook anything lol


Cleaning as you go is the only way I know, wish I could say the same for my wife…lol. She is getting better with it.

I hate trying to cook in a dirty, unorganized kitchen. Definitely takes the enjoyment out of it.


Hashbrowns can be a pain to make from scratch, but damn they’re good. I love a fat NM style breakfast burrito with flour tortilla, scrambled eggs, hash browns, cheese, bacon, all slathered with fresh green chile. Either that or tortilla, carne adovada, scrambled eggs, cheese, pinto beans, and red chile. @ReikoX knows what I mean. Holy shit that’s delish. You can make them at home but it’s a lot of work…There’s very few things I will go out to eat because they’re too difficult to make at home, but spicy bun bo hue or pho sate dac biet (spicy lemongrass pho) and a good carne adovada burrito are among a handful of foods that would be a steal at twice the price, imo!

:100: couldn’t agree more.

Totally, the most important thing is following the recipe to the letter the first time thru. So many people think “I got this” and then start fiddling with the ingredients and get disappointed. Nowhere is that more evident than baking. I love being creative in the kitchen, but the first time through you gotta follow the instructions…much like trying a new growstyle! And to echo your sentiments, I love serving people delicious food and drink.

Couldn’t agree more. Most vets of the restaurant industry end up being tidy in the kitchen, and this is one of our secret super powers - cleaning as you go. Amen @Vagabond_Windy Don’t make the kitchen a disaster! A big thing is don’t put dirty utensils on work surfaces. Put them on a small plate or something so they don’t make their own mess that ends up dry and crusty by the end!

Yeah I grew up on a farm and went off to college (dead tour) without really knowing how to cook or clean. Had to grow up fast once I was living on my own, tho. That’s part of why it was so nice to live on the road on tour. No money, no food, no shelter, just good vibes and figuring it out…my early adulthood was totally building the plane as I was flying it. I crashed and burned a lot more often than not. lol

Very cool, thanks for getting back to me. It sure is a unique looking plant. I hope it smokes OK too. It’s been hanging for 12 days and is still a little moist, but I might be able to buck it this weekend. Then it’s about 3wks before sampling, so maybe we’ll have an early smoke report come new years?


i had a bat pheno show up when i grew beyond the brain. it was the only one not to root and broke my heart. smoke was insane. intense vibrations at the third eye and felt like a come up on an mushroom trip and was very introspective. left a cinnamon flavor in my mouth like i was chewing big red.


Great now I’m craving a breakfast burrito. :rofl:

I HATE doing dishes. I’m terrible about rinsing them and just letting them pile up in the sink. I don’t own a dishwasher, I lost mine in the divorce. :grin:


Damn I’ve gotta pop my satori seeds in the fridge


@antheis BEYOND THE BRAIN is very special ganja. It’s a flux capacitor for astral travel. One of my all time favorites. Fantastic forest adventure weed. You will see Bigfoot on that stuff.


Thank you all for following along on this journey. :sunrise_over_mountains: And special thanks to @bodhi and @The_Lazy_Hippie.

In honor of mailing the seeds out to @Sebring today (all 150 packs!), here’s how this run looked on its final harvest day 73F. I thought about taking them longer, but this was the day we went camping for a week and I didn’t want to push my luck.

The whole tent was looking ready. Good fade, and the flop factor was fun. I like to flower seed runs extra long, well beyond the point of normal bud ripening. There’s no reason to take them down early. This run looked like it still had some gas left in the tank, even the little 1/2gal one, despite going past 10 weeks. Maybe reducing my inputs by half in the soil mix is gonna work out OK. Less is more! :smiley:

Pheno #7 “the fatty” got extra floppy and was ripe at day 56F, but any seeds she carried could use the extra time. This is the only one that didn’t seem to have a lot of obvious seeds. With extra big leaves and swole bracts, she was the most obvious outlier in the group. She has this blue snowcone and cologne thing and is really just an overall lovely plant. Looking forward to her seedless run. But, on that note, her clones didn’t survive (100% my fault) so she went straight into reveg after harvesting her tops. :crossed_fingers:

Pheno #8 “the shorty” kept showing that strong will to live throughout the whole run. Don’t throw out your runts, people! At least give them a chance to grow out and get cloned and see if their slow start might be something you did, like in my case here. I wouldn’t have believed it possible to get fully ripe seeds from a 1/2gal plant in water only soil, but this one proves it’s possible. She was totally jam packed with seeds, top to bottom, and they’re all ripe and viable! The stickiest and probably the frostiest out of all, she also has a super funky smell. Wet ashtray full of joints and bidis, bad breath, lemon peel, maybe some fish in the background - just a really unique scent. This one’s clones also didn’t survive (100% my fault) and so she also went straight to reveg after harvest. I dumped her in a half-full pot of unamended soil, watered, and prayed. :pray:

Pheno #9 “the tall drink of water” looks like she is the only one that could have gone longer. She’s the tallest and most obviously “sativa” in structure, and I’m curious what she’ll smoke like next run. Throughout this run she has been the strong & silent type, just doing her thing over on the side, watching over the rest of the grow. Her grease is fresh cedar wood in smell. She has super sturdy stems and didn’t flop hardly at all, though you could tell that she would have if “encouraged” by a gust of wind, or by getting bumped into. Nothing standout, but was never a problem either. Chocked full of seeds. Clones were very hardy and vigorous despite multiple grower errors.

Pheno #10 “the feral hippie (aka the artist previously known as the praying sister)” was like what I imagine would happen if you take a young nun to lower Puna on the Big Island, ask her to live in an intentional community with a group of “wipe with this hand, eat with this hand” hippies, give her a bunch of weed and psychedelics, then get her preggo and teach her ecstatic dance. One look at her and you can tell she’s in deeeeeeeep. lol This one marches to the beat of her own drum, and that’s OK. She produced plenty of seeds, and is the most obvious kitchen herbs & curry smells, though there’s something cologne-like as well. Curious to see what she does on the sensi clone run (she cloned the best of all of these, surprisingly).

Pheno #11 “the stacker” is a beautiful plant, with big chunky buds and sturdy stems. She didn’t go too feral after pollination, and her grease is slick and sticky. At the end she developed a more lemon & blueberry muffin served on a fresh vulcanized tire rubber smell. By looking at her, you can only barely tell that she’s absolutely LOADED with seeds. Definitely one to watch for in the seedless clone run, like many have pointed out, this one and #7 would be the ones you’d pick if we only cared about looks. But, since you can’t judge a book by its cover, I’m going to wait and see how she smokes. I think she’ll be a 9wk plant, but we’ll see…

Next week, I’ll post some pics of the dried buds before shucking, as well as a sneak peak on the reveg.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:
:christmas_tree: :peace_symbol:


Bravo sir, bravo.


congrats on another successful bodhi co-op run!


Thanks for the run, the information and spreading the joy.


Very nice!! Congrats on another successful run and some beautiful plants as always! LOVE the pheno breakdowns too, as always :wink: :heart: