Seed Run Co-op: Bodhi's Cheech Wizard **Closed**

Sad I missed out on these, truly but as ALWAYS an amazing job my friend. I swear I’ve read 5000+ of your posts on different forums over time. Always impressive. Honestly :pray:t2: Much respect


Thanks for a chance at growing this phenomenal strain. @nube I watched this thread and bookmarked posts that should guide me thru my grow and what to look for. Thanks again for your time and effort to get these in OG’ERS hands.


I got you TST1 :sunglasses:


Much love brother :pray:t2: @Oldtimerunderground


@nube , received my Fall Box yesterday, thanks for your efforts!!!


Glad to see folks are getting the seeds from this run! :slight_smile: There are some high quality plants to be found. The seeds are a little tough, so give them a scuff and a soak and maybe even the paper towel treatment before planting. I wish you all happy, healthy, heavy harvests of healing herb.

Picking up where we left off, the sensi run of these was a little unusual, and had to happen in stages. In late September and early October I had to break everything down and move the revegged Cheech Wizard plants outside and hide them behind a shed while relatives visited and stayed in our spare bedroom. They’re not cool with weed, so that was my best bet. Do what you gotta do. :slight_smile:

The plants survived cuz we had no frosts, but they started to flower by the time those people left and weren’t super happy. Here’s what they looked like when I brought them back inside:

I topdressed them and tried to nurse them along. Remember that these were revegged after the seed run and not really treated great. I’m shocked they’re even alive. Tough little buggers! The show must go on!

But then we had to go out of town for nearly two weeks, right after family left. I’d been hiding clones in my veg tub in a closet while they stayed with us, and not all the clones survived. Luckily all the Cheech Wizard did, prolly cuz they were in 1/2gal pots.

Anyway, I did my normal transplant into much bigger containers, then overwater and turn down the lights so there’s not much heat or air movement and pray. Here’s what veg looked like when we left, right after transplant. The yellowing plant on the right is a Pura Vida mom that I had to put out back behind the shed with the Cheech Wizard revegers. I’m just trying to get her to reveg so I can clone and reset her.

And here’s what they looked like when we got back:

Not too bad. More to come…

:peace_symbol: :seedling:
:rainbow_flag: :sun_with_face:


Hardy lil buggers! Thanks again for all your efforts, got these in my fall box, looking forward to trying them out! Alongside some of your other preservations as well with pure vida and GM!


Looks like they enjoyed your time away . Really blew up.


Moving right along, here we are in week 5ish for CW7 and CW8, the reveggers.

CW7 definitely wanted more food, but CW8 seems to be holding her own pretty well. Very different plants in almost every way.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Looking great bro, as always!

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Wow if you hadn’t told me the one on the right was a reveg I probably wouldn’t have guessed it, looks super healthy compared to the sad sacks I usually see re-vegging


Can’t wait to see these in the winter, fall or spring Canadain box lol :laughing: Awesome progress in here though.


Continuing the sensi rerun, here’s harvest day 56F for the CW7 and CW8 reveggers.

First up, CW7 which ended up looking quite a bit like an OG or a cookies cross. This one finished with smells of cheap cologne and maybe blueberry.

And then here’s CW8 which probably should have gone another week or two, but I had to cut it before we went out of town for Thanksgiving, and I wanted it trimmed and in jars before we went out of town again for Christmas/New Years. This one smelled like an earthier Chem D, stinky bad breath, wet ashtray, a hint of something sour in there.

:peace_symbol: :rainbow_flag:
:sun_with_face: :seedling:


Wow they are some beautiful ladies.
Great job.
All you people are in for a treat when you grow these out.


man you’re not kidding that #7 does look very much like a cookie plant. great looking plants as usual @nube


Hey @nube . Stellar, well done. Have you noticed any increases in potency with the plants.


Continuing the rerun of the other three phenos, here they were at day 42F:

There’s actually two clones of CW10 and one of CW9 and CW11. And here’s a few shots of each:




All looking pretty good to me so far.

I’m not quite sure what you mean here, but I have only smoked the seeded shuck and the first two sensi phenos at this point and can’t really say. Definitely the sensi run is much better than the seed shuck. :wink:

:peace_symbol: :seedling:
:rainbow: :sun_with_face:


That second last picture looks excellent.


Got my seeds! Thanks again.


Man is it just me or are there a crazy amount of super long pistils on those buds? Super cool looking