Seed Run Co-op: Bodhi's Cheech Wizard **Closed**

Wow beautiful :star_struck:
Great job :clap:




Dude it’s not just you haha those things look awesome ! They are so long :crazy_face:

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Plants look great duder! Can’t wait to dive into these. Super excited! Thanks again brother for your generosity and time.


"I’m not quite sure what you mean here,"

I apologize for not clarifying my question. I was referring to the revegged CW7 and CW8. In the past I have noticed increased potency with plants that I have revegged, I was wondering if you noticed any increases in potency or terpene enhancement.


I was able to splash one of these last night.
I’d like to mention it was a tube FULL of beans, so I shared half them up to Canada.

I’m excited, lol. Thanx again @nube


That’s the spirit. Let’s start planting more of these seeds received in these boxes, and not just holding on to them. :green_heart:
Guys like torontoke and nube do these preservations with no desires for popularity or recognition. Pretty selfless if you ask me :man_shrugging:t2:

Moving on….

After some environmental issues messing with my germination, I was able to get 7 of 11 seedlings to stay alive. Let’s see if I can keep them alive.

Here are 7x Cheech Wizard F2 by Nube in cups on the right :seedling:


@nube is a Champion of Men. A righteous brother indeed! Grower and Breeder Extraordinaire.



Those are really healthy looking for re-veg @nube . I have to go back and read what I missed.

Did you trim the roots and repot them? Did you just continue the old grow and change the lights and nutes but keep the same dirt/pot??

Hey @Brokehoe, you really like this strain, huh? I saw your comment above. What was it like? I’ll try and go back and fill in. Awesome job @nube!


I’ve only got one plant going right now. It is the first I have grown, hoping for female. I’ve really enjoyed this grow and appreciate the seeds. Nube’s and Willie’s plants are beautiful.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Seeds From Friends

Hahahahaha! Every time I see your Avatar I laugh! It reminds me of my X-Wife. Brokehoe!



Oh shit! If you are female, no offense intended.



Back in the saddle again, here’s another update. Just past the 7wk mark, here’s day 50F for this rerun:

They’re starting to make that final push.

CW9 looking a lot like the seed run, her leaves lay back a bit on tops. The rest of her has an OG look.

CW10 has been voted off the island. The feral wildchild from the seed round is just as wiley this round - she threw nanners in several tops.

Not sure what might have caused it, but I can’t have that in the garden.

Total bananarama. I picked them out as best I could, then tossed her clones. No big deal. Can’t all be keepers. :slight_smile:

CW11 is firing on all cylinders.

I think +/- another three weeks for these.

lol you must have mistaken me for somebody else. Self righteous is about it. :wink: lol and yes, I only smoke maybe a gram a week max. If I kept it all, I’d be sleeping on jars! Rather just make people’s day by giving it away.

Thanks for all the kind words! No sir, no trimming of roots and I only repotted the #8 that had been in a small 1/2gal for the seed run. I run organic so no new nutes, just re-ran the #7 in the same pot. No nutes, just fresh dirt on the one that came from the small pot. These weeds basically grow themselves if you give them water and don’t push too hard.

Yeah I think so too! Not super long, but on the longer end of the spectrum.

That’s a really cool find! I can’t say I noticed anything this go around, but a good question to ask! I gotta grow both rounds better before I start testing hypotheses… :wink:

Glad @CrunchBerries @willie @PetalPowerseed very cool, I hope they bring many happy harvests! @ShiskaberrySavior thanks for the kind words. @Vagabond_Windy looking good! Still going strong?

:sun_with_face: :cloud_with_rain:
:rainbow: :seedling:


spent the last hour reading up on this seed run that cheech wizard sounds like a real nice cross and that #11 pheno seems like a real winner loving your garden @nube been learning so much from these threads thanks for the documentation its real awesome to be able see these just been getting into bodhi doing old soul and strawberry temple for my first run with his genetics real excited to see what i can find much love <3


Oh yeah! They’re getting an uppot this weekend then topped. One got a little stretchy but that was my fault for not lowering the lights a bit :sweat_smile:(7 cups on the left)


Getting cloned this week are 5x Cheech Wizard F2. 2 of them showed male preflowers and got chopped.


Wow, that plant in the first picture’s got some pretty freaky-looking leaves going on, huh? And I mean that in a good way haha. Is that… Is that a “quad-foliate” there, kind of in the middle of that plant? Four-bladed leave?


I will have to take a look again but yes it seems to have some kind of mutation going on. Great eye!


3x Cheech Wizard F2 were female and here they are at day 21F