Seed run Co-op Voting thread

Congrats to you two @DougDawson and @Ottafish Cant wait to follow along on your journey.


Congratulations brothers @DougDawson and @Ottafish !!!
I will follow this journey for sure



Congratulations @Ottafish and @DougDawson and thanks for doing these for the community, it takes a lot of time and effort and we all appreciate it


Congrats @DougDawson and @Ottafish !! Thank you both for your time and talents for preserving such amazing genetics for the OG community!

The best of luck to you, my brothers!


Hello @coopactiongroup Iā€™d like to submit a strain for reproduction. This is a proposal for a grow beginning in January 2024.
I want to acknowledge that @District_Flora had proposed this one previously, but for whatever reason it didnā€™t go anywhere after his suggestion.
As some of you may know, this past May @nefrella did a giveaway for a few members to win her extensive collection of Bodhi seeds.
I was one of the winners, so I feel like itā€™s my responsibility to extend her gifts as far as possible!
The strain is Mango Lotus, which is Bodhiā€™s Colombian heirloom, Mango Biche with his Snow Lotus male. A member below has indicated that Bodhi acknowledged these packs have a typo, so .

This was a love gift, and (as has been stated by DF before) these are/were never available for sale, and though they have been discussed across the usual suspects of forums, references are brief and rare.

Mango Biche is famous throughout the world for its delicious aromas of green and sweet mango, its effect is active, clear, cerebral and long lasting. This variety has a vegetative stage tha goes from 16 to 20 weeks, its flowering is between 15 to 18 and also 20 weeks. Under natural and optimal conditions it exceeds 4 meters in height, has great vigour and resistance to pests and fungi, it also withstands large amounts of water, its structure is conical. Most plants have a very symmetrical and cone-shaped pattern, some have very beautiful reddish and scarlet stems and petioles, with large thin and serrated leaves, leaves of 5,7,9 leaflets, maximum width of 2cm of a bright green clear colour. A phenotype has a combination in its purple green calyx in the last flowering stage. There is a phenotype that is not characterized by its strong aroma of Mango, it is a little more pungent, but without losing the mango background that characterizes this native colombian line. Its effect is cerebral and euphoric, very motivating and active, in some cases psychedelic and lysergic. The smoke is dense and with woody taste,s some very fragrant on the palate

Cross that with Bodhiā€™s established Snow Lotus male:

Snow Lotus is the love child of afgooey and a x19 leaning blockhead male (no sweetooth traits present) and lets the female traits pass through in a cross while uping the size, frost, and potency.

And the outcome is Mango Lotus

(Not my IG)

I have 12 f1 seeds, 28 square feet of grow space, 3 ultra powerful lights, itā€™s nighttime, and Iā€™m wearing (Method Seven) sunglasses. Letā€™s roll.


Bodhi always expects something very good to come out!!!




I had the original Mango Lotus which is Mango Biche x Snow Lotus but I gave it to someone on here to run anyway (I started something else in the meantime) assuming the co-op voting committee would eventually approve. After I made it very clear that I had trust issues due to bad experiences with other growers online and that they shouldnā€™t feel the need to rip me off because of the number of seeds they could potentially keep from the run, they did it anyway. Like I legit told him these seeds are for everyone and would have ended up in his collection regardless of who on here grew them. So, unfortunately that original F1 cross is now lost to ā€œ@ caucasiancripā€ who hasnā€™t been on here since.


Thatā€™s so weird. What is somebody going to do with 2000 seeds anyway?


Anything with Snow Lotus should be preserved. There is a member on here doing multiple open pollinations of Bodhiā€™s 2017 Snow lotus emerald cup love gift. He sent me a back of Snow Lotus seeds and that is amazing. Snow lotus can lean sativa/hybrid. It really is going to depend on the mother. Like how Goji OG is pretty much (usually) no Indica.


Exactly, he went out of his way to reiterate that he was trustworthy too. Even offering to have someone he was a tester for on here to hit me up and vouch for him. Iā€™m assuming heā€™s going to flip them, Iā€™ll keep my eyes on Strainly for the next few months. Conversely, it could be health/personal issues but :man_shrugging:t4:. Part of me wants to send a glitter bomb to his addy :unamused:


People overcompensating cuz they know theyre full of shitā€¦ never trust a vice lord or a crip.


ā€œIā€™m a nice guyā€


Ha! My first thought seeing his name on here was ā€œahh yes, this is a user name that is not at all suspiciousā€. Trust your gut, huh?


Yeah, fell for it. Thought the chances of experiencing a scammer on here would be lower than IG. I think from now on, only people that have already done a co-op or Freaker run should be considered to do runs for others.


Scammers are everywhere but I like to think weā€™re a pretty good bunch.


Hey all, can we keep the chatter in the chat thread please. You are burying the submissions and votes which is really all that should be here. Thanks.


This is correct lineage. Bodhi confirmed the seed pack label is a typo.


Thank you @BudWhisperer ! I found that question a dozen times, but no answer!

Mango Lotus
  • Allow as co-op
  • Allow in spring/fall box but grower packages
  • Reject

0 voters