Seed run Co-op Voting thread

That’s great news!

This way the Black Lotus F2 seeds can get to:


I figured it was a rarer pack, and definitely something I’d like to hunt f-gens of. Will be so cool to see people growing these gems! :pray::pray::pray:


Hey @DougDawson quick question, by what date would my CoOp seeds need to be in distributors hands to make the Fall Box in 2024, I’m trying to plan my year and this run has top priority, I was hoping to squeeze a flower run in though before I start. Thanks buddy! :pray::pray::pray:


Hey bud. “Seeds sent to distributors between October and March will ship in April and seeds sent between April and September will ship in October”


I need to have seeds in hand by September first. Remember we only except the first 8 bulk seeds and 2 pre-packed seeds per box. So If I get 10 strains ahead of yours they still won’t make the box.


Got it! Looks like I’ll be starting this run in a month or so! Flower run can wait, I still have enough bud. Thanks for the replies! :pray:


Thank to all cultivators for the “seed runs” — got to re-view the voting thread


One day , this will be me.


Howdy y’all!

A bit over a year ago I found a geneticist who went by “Nachos y El Sapo”. At first, I thought his alias was “Nacho El Sapo”, which sadly made me avoid his work because “sapo” means snitch where I hail from, and Señor Christmas don’t mess around with that type of stuff. Regardless, I remember thinking that his logo was one of the coolest I had ever seen.

Anyway, fast forward some time and a friend of mine tells me that they’re going on a Banana terp profile hunt. She listed a few strains she had purchased to look through, and asked if I knew any strains that smelled of bananas. I didn’t, but my curiosity was sparked, and so I went onto the interwebs to see what seeds I could find.

One of the first genetecists I find again is Nachos y El Sapo. This time, I read the name correctly (and realized that I’m a dumb-ass), and found that he had quite the few banana hybrids. He also had a Banana OG f4 listing, which was sold out. I didn’t end up buying any packs of any banana cultivars, as it’s really not a profile I seek.

Fast forward some more, and I see the news that Nachos y El Sapo has passed. I once again roam his website, but end up not making a purchase due to financial difficulties.

A few weeks ago, I was speaking to the same friend, and she gives me the results of another Banana cultivar she looked through. Sadly, she didn’t find any real strong banana keepers. She sends me this video in which Archive interviews OrgnKid on his Banana OG.

(starts talking about Banana OG at 17:50)

I instantly remembered that Nachos had a F4 selection, and after seeing the interview, I was motivated to snag a pack. Though, the only listing I could find was the sold out one on Nachos’ website. I decided to send Nachos’ wife an email asking if she by any chance had any packs left. She looked, and a few days later she let me know that there was a single 10 pack left.

I present to you, that single 10 pack:



If accepted, I would like to grow these out for Fall distribution, as I will be moving next week and would first like to do a sinsemilla run to restock my meds. These will be ran in a 4x5 space, under an HLG Blackbird light.

I by no means am the best grower, but I love OverGrow. This is an amazing community that has already unknowingly done so much for me, and I would love to give back.

Thank you for your time!


Awesome story. I think that would be so awesome. Ya never know…unless you ask.


That sounds good. Love the back story and sounds like a great place to repo it.

1 Like

Impressive pipes from the thumbnail of the Orgnkid Interview. Anyone know the artist (specifically the sidecars)?


I will get a vote up for you after work today @Mr.Christmas .


Woohoo! Awesome! Yes yes yes! Love this ! What a year this is gonna be!

Banana OG F4
  • Allow as co-op
  • Allow in Spring/Fall box but grower packages
  • Reject

0 voters


Your vote is live @Mr.Christmas , good luck. :v:


right on @Mr.Christmas … I hope the banana Og f4 makes the cut for a seed run. I’d love to watch those get grown out.


Last summer I made a repro with a pack of late 90’s Mighty Mite gifted to me by @Greenfingers. Due to the age of the seeds, I only managed to get 3 to germinate. Luckily, I ended up with 2 females and 1 Male, and beans were made.

The seeds produced weren’t enough for a co-op, unfortunately, but I recently filled a 2x4 tent with those Mighty Mite seeds I made last summer. Hopefully this time there will be enough seed for everyone to have some in their arsenal.

@coopactiongroup Let me know what else you might need from me

Thanks everyone :pray: wish me luck


That’s one I always wanted to grow.


Good morning action group. Been trying to figure put which reproduction to do next so I put up a pole for OGers to weigh in. The results are in and BOG LSD was chosen. This is New York City Diesex x BOG Lifesaver. These are older LSD seeds and as you all know, with BOGs passing and no clones being left, these seeds will not be back in this form again. Would be great to get these into everyone’s stash. @coopactiongroup