Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

That’s how I like bananas nice and ripe really sweet. It’s the flavor and smell I imagine when thinking about the banana strains available now. I think some are Laffy taffy others more like a real sweet Banana i dont know i have never smelled or tried anything weed banana. This is bananas the amount of times I got to type bananas lol oh no now I want sprout some banana berry freaks and malana banana :banana:I guess it’s my fault I haven’t tried any banana seeds.

Whos got banana strain trades? Isn’t a seed company named banana peel genetics ?


@LunarMOG @Acro a good medicine increase was done by @LegsMahoney


not specifically trying to increase, more asking for someone close who grows high cbd strains, and is looking for a good 1:1 type II plant… generally i always try to keep males and pollinate a branch or two for more beans, so likely we would try and do that but wasn’t the primary goal

i followed along with that, figured i’d ask here first if anyone had any they’d be interested in parting with… lots of different stuff for trade


If you come up empty let me know and I’ll send you the older F2.

Anyone out there have anvil regs, would trade handsomely for a breeder pack.

Also, while we’re at it…

Haze or lemon forward pollen
Blue Power
Cookies & Cream
SLH reg cross or cut known to use Franco’s cut
Watermelon Z and crosses
Also would lucky dog breeder packs or F2

And, have most of these up for grabs… Would prefer breeder packs, root plugs, or testing supplies in exchange, and will be less likely to take, but consider interesting F2, S1, etc.



I’ve never seen ethos packs look like that. Are they freebies packs?


Thought the same thing. People will bootleg anything these days. Buyer beware.

They are ethos freebies from Brotanical Gardens. They had some kind of ethos wonka club I think, I don’t know much about it as I steer clear of ethos as a personal choice.


“Silly Wonka’s Golden Beans are limited, small batch Ethos seeds which are available exclusively through Brotanical Gardens. You must be a member of the Brotanical Gardens Seed Club to gain access to these limited gems.”

source :


Hello everyone hope you’re having a good day. I’m looking for a pack of Dankonomics Banana Kush IBL. If anyone has one could they shoot me a message. I can incross them and send back seeds and cuts but it won’t be for some time.


Love it! An absolute gem for sure. Not positive but @JAWS comes to mind everytime I think of banana Kush IBL


I spent the better part of a year trying to find his F10s I have and I bought a pack of his new F9s for the vault already.

The only reason I want to try Dankonomics is because he list a Colorado cut of Banana Kush in the cross but he used Jaws F9 for the outcross. I have been a forum member a long time so I’m aware of all the drama that happened over Dankonomics with not only banana but Stardawg. I’d still have to test it before moving forward but I want to have as many variants possible. When I was younger I smoked Banana Kush in a tent with 2 off my brothers. We made a gravity bong out of a Ms.Buttersworth bottle and it is that nostalgia I’ve been chasing.

I just make seeds for variant hunts and to donate so hopefully I can avoid being polarizing at all in these subjects.


I actually have similar memories of banana Kush, I’ve been trying to obtain a clone for a while . I try and stay away from the drama and let the bud speak for itself but I also get trying to avoid any bad karma etc. Really hope you find what you seek. There’s nothing like satisfying those moments of nostalgia
(Out of likes btw not being an ass :wink:)


I feel the trying to avoid bad Karma. The CBanana S1s I have are listed for 1000$ and 2500$ so I’d love to S2 them and donate so no one is restricted to those but I seen Hammerhead was working on it so I pushed it back to let him lead. Same with the banana in general when I found out yall were working on it I pushed it behind the diesel just to make sure there wasn’t any cross with me donating interrupting either distribution.


Much respect, ya that C banana pricing is nutty! That stuff always gets me. There should be plenty of banana around in various versions soon enough. I definitely have to get my hands on that cut one day to see if it’s worth the hype.


Thank you. I really like the stuff yall do around here.


It’s insane how much some of these seed packs can sell for…There was an auction for a pack of Sophie’s Breath that went for over $3,500 awhile back.


Not exclusive, I’ve had and can get most of those. I was just curious because those packs looked off to me.


ISO the haziest beans you have! I’m looking for “smile at mama’s funeral” kind of haze—something that completely lifts you out of your space.


Mostly like that, a couple were purchased, and a couple others were available for purchase as add on freebies while ordering other things. I stay away from Ethos as well now. I have a peach crescendo pack as well that’s not pictured available also.


nothing of mine is hands off, if you have a JAWS GENETICS seed pack and want to work her in ANY way you want im 100% fine with that.

dank has went MIA so i hope he is ok where ever he might be, he is a good friend of mine and i sure miss talking with him.

peace …


So this might seem a little cringe for some of the purests out there. I’m looking for Malawi gold feminized seeds. Lots to trade hit me up in dm please!