Seed Trading, Moderated (Part 2)

I have one that likely fits this profile that I’d trade: Blue Skunk (((Denali Skunk x Blue Dream) x Fruit Pie)) x Sour Haze (Sour Diesel x Purple Haze) by SWGENETX. I have a 6 pack of fems. I also have a few autos that fit this bill—if you are interested.

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I’m not one to disprove statements with anecdotes—but “not ever” is a claim disproven by one anecdote being correct, so here I go. I’ve taken Ace’s Zamaldelica to day 112, Mephisto’s Mango Smile to day 109, and Night Owl’s Mango / Zamal crosses are all better near or over day 100. I agree it’s pretty rare for me to cross day 100, but not impossible with some of the autos with strong landrace genetics in them.


I’ve got some coming I could send your way

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Does anybody here in OG land have any orange creasicle or blue dream seeds autos would be nice looking to trade I have a lot of strains thanks in adavance


I’ve got a pack of Savage Bubba csi (sfv x bubba) I’d trade for the ril


looking to trade here…I’m offering my wife,my car,my seed stash and my left kidney for some cap junky s1 beans…if you see this and are willing to trade but pondering the thought of answering for fear of meeting my wife then I wouldn’t hold it against you.



You can get the cut for under 150 if your in the states.


I’m uk fella…I wanted to run that as a project in future here at og…and paying for it truthfully would stain my heart.!!!:blush:

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After this summer I’ll have some Cap Junky S1 x Golden Tuxedo (OGKB x Burnt Toast) to trade but it’s months away


bump @LoveDaAutos


sounds a lovely cross dude…I’m holding on them s1 variations…I’ve seen a fair few reports on the stuff and hopefully in my lifetime I see it…definitely one for making a massive vegg mother and testing clonesets…I have got an enthused energy for that genetic for some reason lolol.and I really want to document photographic pics of it for the vaults of heaven…whether it shows in the form I’ve been researching I much doubt but you can always hope…I got trades for it but I’m too old to go around like I used to networking a path to it…its on reddit but I’m not regular persay over there so it’s difficult sourcing…


@LoveDaAutos hooked me up so if you can’t trade directly with the source give me a shout and we can make something work out @dracodragons . I love assisting folks on quests as it only benefits the community as a whole :smiley:


@Pigeonman …really?..erm right that wasn’t expected…lolol…jesus man thankyou so much for reaching out like that…it would be an honour to show this historic strain here fella…and I would 100% as I stand here with my name quote I would grow and document in detail for everyone to see…there’s no hiding in me when I have a quest from heaven to show ppl beauty and them cap junky s1 took me away to a field somewhere in my mind when I saw what I could achieve with that already killer high…if its actual documented history of worthy cause there is no better man for the job…and I don’t say that to the world,I tell it to myself…lolol…forever thanking you for reaching out like that…thankyou overgrow!!!..I feel blessed and very happy!!!

I’ve literally dreamed about this strain ever since I layed eyes on it…bless you pigeonman!!


:rofl: no worries but but I fee that. When @Andrane hooked me up with Rockstar in a trade I felt the same way. OG all the way bud.

Just shoot me a PM @dracodragons if @LoveDaAutos is unable to trade as they did spread those beans around so I make no assumptions about how many they still have left. I’m feeling blessed at the ones I got but most certainly have more than enough to share with a fellow growmie!

:fist_right: :fist_left:


one of the happiest moments in my grow career honestly…an absolute privilege to meet stand up folks like this from out of nowhere…I very much value kind ppl and I will send you email young man.!!!thankyou kindly from the bottom of my heart.!!!


Lucky dawg. Ive been trying to get the Cap Junky seed also. Tried working a trade with a member here but no bueno. Ill be following your grow. Good luck buddy.


Damn that’s not good so I can’t do this more than twice but I got you @Smooth just like with @dracodragons if y’all can’t work out a trade with @LoveDaAutos .

I just looked into my notes and can trade up to 8x with each of you if you need which would leave me enough to work with when I get the opportunity to run them for myself. :metal:


Does anyone have or know where to find Fire OG seed?


Looking for a pack of black d.o.g if anyone has any got lots to trade
Also if anyone is has any of Doc d’s gogi razz x lemon Thai or temple x lemon Thai , any of his it’s always sunny line or * Frank’s Little Beauties x A5 Haze/thai bx


Got this as a freebie. You can have them. Send me your deets!