Seedlings and size of pots

I have to get my cloning act together THIS year.

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I always back up seeds that I pop, as Forest Gump said ā€œlife is like a box of chocolatesā€

You just never know what you will find and if its not backed up, well its not lost for ever yu can rejuvenate it but I also find that the clones often perform better than the seed, as the clone is more mature to start of with usually having pre flowers all ready and staggered internodes. Not always but often :wink:


Mmmmm chocolate nuggets

I like to use 16 to 20 ounce styrofoam cups to start my seeds in.
I then transplant one time, into 1, 2 or 3 gallon containersā€¦depending upon how big I want the plants to get.
The bigger the container, the bigger the mature plant.


Nice @Calyxander

Please can you share what type of lamp you have hanging over them there ?

And I have to ask as I see the WW in my gardens so often is it White Widow or Williams Wonder?

And is the LAC#1 LA Confidential ? If so can you please tell me some more about that strain.

Hi @Herbie,
Thanks, those are T-5s over those seedlings.
White Widow is the WWā€¦Dinafem is the breeder.
And you are correct, those are LA Confidential by DNA

I need to run some annoying errands at the moment. I will fill you in on my impression of
LA Confidential upon my return.


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A post was split to a new topic: L.A. Confidential DNA Genetics

Calyxander , do you make holes in these cups? And how often do you watering these cups and how much?

Guys, do you heard anything about perlite and ceramsite? I read somewhere thats is very good to mix these into the soil?

My home build soil is probably about 15/20% perlite, then peat then active organic topsoil. Amended for nutes


Hi @Kingtut, I poke lots of holes in the bottoms of the cups. I also poke holes around the perimeter of the cup about 1/8 to 1/4 inch up from the bottom. I make certain they have lots of drainage.
The larger the seedlings, the more often they require water.
I always water until I see some run-off.

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We like to start seeds and clones in containers that are at least 150mm deep, because the roots will start producing auxin when they hit a floor, and begin their spiral. The upgrade to a larger container doesnā€™t change the fact that the plant believes there is something in its way, which is why people recommend trimming the roots when transplanting a rootbound plant. Canā€™t teach and old root new tricks, so to speak. Lol.
Currently, 75mm x 200mm clear round pots get upgraded straight into 20gal wide tubs within 3 or 4 days of hitting the walls.
Optimally, we would like to start plants in 2 liter tall pots, upgraded straight into 30gallon trash buckets on wheels. If only I had twelve foot ceilings.

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I wish I had that problem. :point_up_2:

Uncle, do you bought that soil? Or you just mix your soil with perlite?

Anyone heard about ceramsite?

I mix purchased materials to make up my final mix I purchased a bag of potting mix this year at the hydro store to check it out and Iā€™m really disappointed with the product. I will return to 100% home mix.

Uncle, do yoy put ceramsite in your pots?

And guys do you put seeds in the same soil like after in the bigs pots?

I do non use ceramsite or more popularly known as expanded clay balls, I have no negative impression of the product I just donā€™t use it, I like to use foam packing peanuts that are nearly free I feel then that I am recycling. Just be sure not to use the biodegradable ones or there will be good in the pail. When I go up pot there will be two or three inches of foam peanuts in the bottom to allow runoff of water while keeping my soil mix in the bucket. About seeds in soil??? I use a mostly peat and perlite. Just to keep it controlled. When they get to the big pot/bucket there will be more organic medium in the mix, just remember when it comes to pot size that larger pots stay wet longer and could make seedlings or clones damp off and die. Not so big they rot not so small they get rootbound

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Hammer = nail head! I feel the weight of my lil ones and have to refrain from watering them. This is what Iā€™m starting in. After this they are going into some square fabric pots my wife is sewing together. (Journal soon).

I start my seeds in rockwool. I ph he water to 5.5 and give them a quick dip. That is the only time I water until they move to the next cup. They get watered one good time then, like I said I refrain, but then water when they are really light in weight. Tomorrow morning in fact.

See how the cube is wet still? That is from one watering. I do however add distilled water to the tray bottom to raise humidity, which probably helps the cubes stay wet so long.

Seedlings go to these yogurt cups. I have tons of them. I water in the seedling then wait to water again. Iā€™ll add to this post the fabric pot once transplanted.