Seeds for the garden

I got two 50 lb bags and am not running out any time soon lol


My best advice is use a heating mat, and use the wet paper towel method. I had horrible germination planting direct to soil. Then I did this and it worked great.


mDayumn thanks for the read everyone didn’t think I’d get this many replies !

We have moved on to a plot holding two green houses and raised beds already …hazel nut trees elderberries pear trees peach trees black berries strawberries a hugeee row of asparagus I could go on lol anyway

We moved in around late august and was left with all the previous owners hard work…of course we let them get what they wanted we had Tomatoes still growing nov 8th here in NY

We want to get a substantial amount of food to store for the winter months along with fish caught by us/ venison rabbit squirrels along with meat and laying chickens we plan on getting this spring

Groceries are expensive we constantly find ourselves buying things we can grow/harvest ourselves

With a little ambition we could save a bunch of money for other activities :crazy_face:

Brings me to the point of starting vegetable seeds indoors to give them a good jump …

A lot or research I know that !

Thanks again OG’s🌱


Not sure if you folks can food or not, but it seems complicated to most, as we are the 5-6 generation that was raised on store bought canned food. We have had it so easy. We see a bit of labor NOT as wasted time. But time to focus, reflect, to use your muscles, to work the ground, to feel a connection to dirt, that we eventually return to.
I was raised with canning. No storage costs, unlike when I use my freezer, a lazy man way to preserve food. I am guilty so not casting stones at anyone!!
Canning came about from Napoleon Bonaparte, he offered a huge sum of money to the person that could come up with a way to carry cooked food and it not be spoiled when opened. His supply lines was holding his lust for MORE back.
We had a damned hard time finding canning lids and rings last year. We found we hate the aluminum lids we had to use. But it is what it is.
I know my basement veggies, will not be cheap to grow, even using spent weed medium, older unused lights, and I used Dr. Earth organics, not their blended lines so much.
I just need to stay busy, with something my mind finds relaxing. I a hopeless tinkering fool, not really good like so many are, but at 65 years old, I fear the Lazy Boy/TV death spiral, for my age group, far more than growing expensive vegetables in my basement.
We also (just yesterday) joined a local grown CSA where we go to pick fruit and berries at. For me, it’s a stunning scooter ride, and once a week for 18 weeks we get a share of whatever is ripe that week. We found we eat a lot more veggies, when we know that the next Wednesday will be another box ready for us. Yanked out of the ground and to our table with in a couple of days! All with in a 15 mile radius of us. If we get a lot of an item we can or freeze it, share it.
So Rabeats2093, you will do well, just remember, over planting is VERY easy to do. Then you can, freeze, consume, give it away, or plan better as you learn like we did.
Just have fun with it, it can be a Om time or a hassle, that is all mindset, IMHO.
Best to you and yours.

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Thanks brother I appreciate the words of wisdom !!
28 yrs old and I know we can at least try !try and try again untill we accomplish what we set out for …!

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