Seeds in paper towels

I usually end up cutting around the seed an plant with the paper towel piece it attached itself to


Exactly it’s already grown to it so plant it with it

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That’s pretty complicated I’ll stick with damp paper towel for now lol

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I dont come from seed often , and usually with my own that are fresh and kept proper. As im sure most here do , i have a collection of seeds that date back to lord knows when . Im going to start popping them , and this sounds like a cool thing to do . My normal routine with water replaced with this .



If you hang up the baggie vertically the taproot will grow straight down and very rarely grow into the towel.


I personally have beteer results using float tech. I float for approximately 24 hours in water with a heat pad. By that time i usually have tails on all of them and then transfer to root cube in a dome or solo cup into medium with a dome, no heat) I PERSONALLY when given the choice will lean root cube in domes. But i will add alot of people are mentioning germ issies latley i was talking to someone saying its an overbreeding of moder triploids or something like that? I dont remeber i was mid smoke sesh lol!

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I use the paper towel method, then put the damp paper towel into an old dvd case. Thats been my go to method since the beginning. A little aloe added if they’re older seeds