*Seeds of Freedom* the perpetual give away


Election 2024 is around the corner. Do you know the candidates’ positions on cannabis policy?

NORML's Smoke the Vote

We know this issue is important to you, so be sure to check out our Smoke the Vote voter guide. We’ve compiled detailed information and voting records highlighting where your state and federal candidates stand on marijuana policy. Want to be an informed cannabis voter this November? Then get the facts at NORML’s Smoke the Vote.

Keep up with breaking election news at NORML Election Central. This Election Day, voters in at least three states – Florida, North Dakota, and South Dakota – and several major cities, including Dallas, Texas, will be deciding on marijuana-related ballot measures. Passage of these measures will bring cannabis freedom to millions more Americans.

NORML Election Central

There’s no doubt that the outcomes of this coming election will have major implications for the future of marijuana policy reform. NORML is working hard to ensure that voters are informed and engaged this November. Help us make America greener this Election Day.

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Cannabis policy should be evidence-based.
Dispel marijuana myths with the NORML Fact Sheets.


Now that is very cool! :+1:



This is me checking in … suns up, uh huh, seems okay the world survived until another day …

I’ll check in again in a few days - but not necessarily post anything other than likes :+1:t3:

Before I go I’d like to thank a person of good character - you know who you are, for reminding me what I’m still learning daily - Fear He is a Liar!


GM OG this week is almost over.

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Late as usual, sucks not having reliable Internet smh…
Thanks for the great giveaway K+

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Happy to see you around bud! :metal:

Good tune! There’s a lot of truth in there

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Please Note:

There seems to be a lot of confusion for at least 10 people who may just now be receiving their Mystery Beans. These seeds are NOT Labeled either on or in the card and will simply say something similar to HAPPY GROWING! All other seeds sent from this give-away have been labeled or identified either on the seed pack or on/in the card. If you received a card from AZ with unlabeled beans - I am sorry for your confusion. I guess I could have put these are photo regular seeds of an unknown strain from a give-away you entered on Overgrow,com :joy: But they would still be Mystery Seeds that produce some fine and effective flower. :v:


I received mine. Was wondering who or where. Ty. Is there any idea on what they could possibly be? Or just random bag seeds or something?


Thanks for the clarification @BU2B

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Fall is in the air - and it is smelling pretty nice :blush:



Maan I had to ask around to find out where these came from… there was no name on it. Lol but thanks for the mystery beans :100:


I’m thrilled that people are entering enough give aways that they forget which ones they entered. :+1:t3: :laughing:. Go Mary!:green_heart:


I literally enter them all know I have no luck when it comes to Winning contest/raffles or things of that sort, but I enjoy participating and I appreciate all the opportunities you all are awesome. And you have 0 chance if you don’t at least enter.


This last weekend was an end of season episode for me.

I got in a yelling match with the father of my adopted grandson - no winners. He’s convinced I don’t listen to him and I’m sure he doesn’t hear me. I spent the night feeling miserable …

Then I got up the next day to a whirlwind of weather that was blowing up a gale … I went outside to find the plants a shambles and broken branches strewn everywhere. I picked up branches, watered the plants and went inside for a pity party most of the day.

This morning with a little clearer head I went out to assess the damage and see what could be salvaged. I quit counting after 16 flowering branches.

As I told a friend, I guess it was time for me to re-learn that’s “it’s rarely as good as we hope OR as bad as we fear.”

The plan is still to resume the give-away in late September- early October :v:


Oh maaaan, that hurts!! Mother nature is a cruel mistress (we were supposed to have sun all this week, I bet it’s dropped an inch of rain today).

What’s standing still looks awesome at least!


Sorry to hear of your troubles man - families are always the worst to hurt your heart - your garden still looks amazing though - stay strong and stay OG :smiley: :smiley:


Man I’m sorry you had a rough patch, things will turn around keep your head up.


For those who may have missed it the first time around - pulled out of the archives for the 8 Years of Overgrow - the first graphic novel by @Heliosphear
Story and images by @Heliosphear Virus Checked PDF and suitable for printing :smiley:
