*Seeds of Freedom* the perpetual give away


Week Two - Seeds of Freedom Giveaway rules and stuff

  • EVERYONE if you are an OG Member you automatically qualify, just send me a PM/DM with your chosen number between 0-100 [NOTE: This SHOULD SAY "if you are an OG Member residing in the U.S.’ as I’m tired of giving beans to Customs - they have enough arleady! :v:

How to get even more chances to win each week:

  • Be a Supporter of the OG. IF your profile shows you are a supporter, you get another entry
  • Enter another giveaway on the OG. IF you enter another giveaway during the course of this one send me a link or screenshot to verify and you get another entry
  • Enter a Server or other OG support auction. IF you enter a support auction during the week - once again, send me a link or screenshot confirming and you earn another entry
  • Purchase from an OG Sponsor. IF you make a purchase from an OG sponsor and are willing to verify that via PM/DM you earn another entry
  • Support your choice of Charitable causes on the OG. IF you make a donation or in some other way are of assistance to a Charity on the OG if you are willing to send me a PM/DM verifying; you get another entry
  • Earn a Badge. Badges are a sure sign of an active user if that’s you; it can earn you up to TWO entries per week. IF you earn a badge during the course of the Seeds of Freedom giveaway verify it and earn another entry (a maximum of two extra entries per week)

You may submit UP TO three number guesses between 0-100 following the above guidelines. IF multiple packs are up for grabs, you can only win one. We’re spreading this out to as many people as possible.

Shipping to U.S. residents ONLY

This weeks Seeds of Freedom giveaway starts in just a few hours :v:


Week Two: Offering up a 9 pack of photo regulars of the Amazing Ancestral Hash Plant.

The Ancestral Hash Plant is Ancient Skunk X Turkish Hash Plant. It produces huge long bud packets that are ideal for either smoking, vaping, pressing OR making hash even :slight_smile:

A very special thanks to @GregOG the creator of this aromatic stoney beauty.

Don’t look now but; HERE - We grow again :v:


@BU2B thank you for this awesome opportunity, for real… And…good luck to everyone!!!

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Week one winners - your beans are in the mail.

My apologies if I overlooked your entry for last week. It will NOT happen in the future. :pray:


I just HAD TO add this - damn people are so talented! Just amazing little monkey, bear, ape, pig things


So we send pms to sign up?? No wiki? Is that correct?? That’s going to be a lot of work for you haha thank you


Yep, that’s it. Just send me number between1-100 pm/dm and you’re entered. :v:
Winner announced next Tuesday with a new pack up for grabs next Wednesday.


Sent!! Thank you buddy… how do u keep up with it all?? Busy guy!!!


Thanks again for this opportunity to win some amazing beans…just wanted to say that and…good luck to everyone!!!





Killer give away though!!



If I win I ll send something out to u brother…


Haha, thank you my friend :grin::metal:

I was just bugging @BU2B, and being a dork :grin:



I’m having a small internal battle this morning…

There is NOTHING I would like more than to see Cannabis become as common as tomatoes and receive just about as much head turning as a beefeater.

At the time and in the places where I grew up the possession of one plant was “lifetime in prison”; so there’s little doubt that things have improved dramatically. It’s great to see reason instead of fear fueling ‘especially’ political decisions.

The vast and overwhelming majority of "members’ on the OG have been and continue to be simply amazing people. I’m proud to be riding on the outskirts of crowd.

I would truly love to insure that everyone has some good high quality beans and plants that can grow them, and hopefully, in return spark the flame in others. I never thought or imagined that giving beans away fairly would require more work than attaining them.

@luxton pointed out… and rightly so, that you really can’t say OPEN TO EVERYONE if you wont ship them their winnings. Due to this the “Rules n Stuff” section HAS been changed.

I’ve got nothing but time, until I don’t, so that is really not an issue, and Customs has enough beans to start several small forests, so they are not getting anymore of my seeds if I can help it… However …

I’m not sure I am fit to be judge and jury and decide who should follow guideline and who should not. NOR is it fair to others who have entered following giveaway guidelines. I can’t say Open to all OG Members and then that truly not be the case.

Due to everything above and few other things I think Perpetual - just like Open to ALL Members is a misnomer. My plan at this point is - continue out this week and next and then call it quits.

MY new rules are (after this giveaway is over): If you need beans let me know, if I can get 'em to you their yours.

All my best to YOU! and keep on keeping on.


Oh man, please no, please don’t stop, especially because of joking my comment. I bug pretty much everyone who puts up a great wiki with wicked seeds, but can’t make it out of the US, please don’t take my comment seriously.

OverGrow the US if you can. Beans will make their way up to the ‘great white north’ (and around the world) in time :metal:. We ARE talking about a weed after all, albeit a beautiful one :grin:


Hahah @luxton did it. I felt lucky I was about to win one


No matter what…you are amazing in my book


That’s a shame, but I’m positive everyone understands… over here in the usa… if there’s a giveaway we are not included in, we are cool with it… easy come easy go… no harm no foul

Let this be a lesson to everyone … you don’t treat goodness with adversity or questioning or judgement or shaming… it’s a simple mistake and in my book you’re awesome for doing it at all … I feel like a private message would have been more classy… but that’s just me… :metal:

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It was meant as a joke, as has been done countless times before.

No questioning anything, as I said :+1:


I’m aware it was a joke and it’s obvious it was… nevertheless, I think there’s a lesson to be learned here … this isn’t about you as much as it is more of an eye opener to how something can be taken out of context on a screen with letters and words vs… tones of voice and body language… it’s hard to have implication online…

So to be clear… (see how easy it is to have intentions confused?)

I’m only saying, it’s much harder to have your true meaning come through online on a screen… than in person… or even on the phone.

In person you have body language tones of voice and facial expression

On the phone you lose facial expression and body language (1 step further from true communication)

Online you lost all of it!! Lol

So @luxton please don’t be offended… I honestly am not trying to single you out rather then use this example for positivity my guy…

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I sent you a pm @BU2B

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